-O the Government to take over the highway known as She Old Spanish frail Highway from 111 ami and Samp a, Florida, through the Gulf Goant-states to California; to take charge of able-bodied male State convicts in Florid a,Alabama,Louisiana, Sexes, Hew ITexico, Arizona and California, and to place also to work on said road all able-bodied male Federal consists now in prison v'ho were sentenced from sai d states, and to put- said work in operation at once,and to push the some to a speedy completion. cFFF0LV'T FIF'J'JJEP., That the Florida Senators and Representatives ■ in Congress be and they are hereby requested to place this important mutter before their representative body for immediate notion; and that a copy of this Resolution be sent to each V.’ -r f . . , x epres on t at iv a f : m s.-r: ve-o-C f 0.?"'-f rI 4 (!{< ' ---------' Flor ida >