SPAIUsE AIMS ET3IAN U/JFJS AICSHJ SHE UKD 3EAHI3H TRAIL. 3-j--P.y.ig£}, S^s Augustine, Original Spanish, San Augustin. 3t« Johns River, Suwannee River, aucilia River, Sallehassoo9 Apalachioole Hivor, C hoctawh&tc he e R Ivor , Santa Rosa Cois%t Sp, SsoaaMa Say, Sp. Pensacola, Perdido Rivor,?la-AIa= Lino, l>p0 Say for scaling ill AO St:; Alabama Mobile, Mauvila,Old Sn. form, nemo of Indian tribe that rpnrly destroyed the So Soto expedition. "V. in Sp. often pr on ounce d b® • Javans often Hfebamu Mauvila, llobila. Mississippi P&Boagoule, Biloxi, Louisiana Tho Rigolets, Ghef Montour, Mississippi River, Boutte, Paradis, Fr.Ind. French form, Indian tribe name* Pr.Ind. " " " " " Mr. Sr. Fr. Bad chief ? St. Hobo, fforaininot Senta)