Louisianians May Propose Volunteer Organization to , Promote Noted Trail A meeting of persons interested in promoting travel over the Old Spanish Trail through Louisiana, Texas and other states has been called for next Tuesday at Houston, out of which, it is possible, a volunteer organization to advance popularity of the. transcontinental highway will grow. The. meeting was called by W. B. Gill of Crowley, secretary of the Louisiana division of the Old Spanish Trail Association, at the request persons along the highway interested in promoting use of the trail for transcontinental travel and probable formation of the volunteer or-^ ganization is hinted in the letter including the call. The letter of Mr., Gill points out that Louisiana has paid into the association headquarters at San Antonio nearly $14,000 during the past few years, but was accused of not contributing its full share. It was further pointed out that Florida., which contributed only $535 in the same period of years, had been “favored with extraordinary publicity in travelogues and otherwise by the Old Spanish Trail Association.” Principal complaint against executives of the Old Spanish Trail are that too large a proportion of the funds paid by the states arc used for “administration expenses” and not enough for publicity and promotional, work to advertise the all-weather, year-round advantages and travelability of the highway. A total of 71. per cent of funds paid went for this “administration expense,” it was pointed, out in Mr. Gill’s letter, which declared there was “need for maintenance of a vol- Continued on Page Eleven. O.ST.ilFM HOUSTON ML BE