Disit Tucson, Arizona “The Sunshine Center of America” —and— “The Huh of Scenic and Romantic Southern Arizona” SEE and ENJOY THE UNUSUAL On all your trip you will see only one Tucson. Old Spanish Missions founded in 17th Century. The zero stone at San Antonio was dedicated 192-1 by Gov. Pat Neff, city, state, federal and army officials, women's clubs and the Old Freighters Association. A monument will be dedicated at St. Augustine, Florida, this—s-n-m in e r -or fall. It will bo a globe G ft. in diauieler faced with coquina; the walk around it will he a mosaic of coquina—all typical / of the “Ancient City.” it will stand with the I’once de / Leon monument, the Bridge of Lions and other symbols of Saint Augustine's romantic history and characteristic of her present-day charm. It is being installed by tlie Exchange Club. Rotary, Kiwanis, Lions, the civic organizations, and the women’s clubs will assist at the dedication. City, state and national officials will attend; it is expected the Spanish Government will send representatives. The monument will mark the beginning of the Old Spanish Trail in its historical reach across the continent. The dedication will lie a celebration ol/victory by tlie men and women whose labors, after -twelve years of struggle/ have opened a new world to tlie American people in (hose lands that were a wonderful world to the Spanish conquls-tadores and the faithful padres centuries ago. At the celebration there will be a business session for tlie election of new officers of the national Old Spanish Trail organization and to decide upon future policies no' that the highway construction is so well advanced. 42 The King of Spain granted a Charter to El Pueblo del Tucson in 1502. Much of the Old Pueblo still remains. Tucson today is a modern, progressive and beautiful Spanish bungalow home city of -13,500. The University of Arizona is located in the city. Tucson has sunny, mild, dry and invigorating certified climate making it a mecca for HEALTH, REST and OUT-OF-pOOR RECREATION. Here you can enjoy golf, tennis, motoring, polo, horseback riding, and hiking, in any Month. HERE you find excellent hotels and the finest guest ranches. Special entertainment programs are featured each month from September to May such as Polo Matches, mid-winter Rodeo, Indian Dances. Fiestas, etc. Our Motorists’ Service is at your command as representative of A.A.A. and O.S.T. Tucson Chamber of Commerce Published in cooperation with Pima County Immigration Commissioner. Refer to pages 34 and 35. 43 Indian Villages. Indian Picture Rocks. Indian Ruins. Giant Cactus Forests. Cattle Ranches. Mining Camps. Spaniards mined here in 15S2. Picturesque and gorgeously colored mountain canyons. Zero Mounments TOP. SAN ANTONIO. TEXAS BOTTOM, SAN DIEGO, CALIF. The zero stone at San Diego was dedicated 1923 by an address of President Cool-idge read by Col. Ed Fletcher of San Diego.