Spanish History Pesearch Library. fit. Lary’s Acs.deny Building, 112 College St. San Antonio, October S3, 1933. Col. W. B. Tuttle, San Antonio, Texas. Bear Llr. Tuttle: Ther.e is a rich and field for historical, research and for the ultimate formulation of a wonderful history literature right here in this Spanish South Texas of which San Antonio is the heart and he who will underwrite that work will leave an imperishable name in t' ■ boohs ar.d art and intellectual understandings That will folio1... Bancroft did this for C.-lif -rnia. Stetson is doing it for Florida. South Texas is an almost untouched field, rich in values. In many parts of South Texas are men with documents, information, and understanding, who c >r be drawn into a well coordinated move lent, i id t i old Spanish story c ■ b laid down for posterity to build on. For ten years I have been accumulating Spanish history knowledge and .geographical knowledge, embracing the country from Florida to California. I have here- a library workshop, well furnished, and with indexer?, maps, files, end records. But no single individual can carry such work thru, nor is that method wise. '! have however made it possible to glimpse the richness of the history research that is possible, and to develop that work without extravagant expense. I have wanted to talk with you ab ut this for a long while. There is much that can be shown, not merely talked. The development of this worKt will find appeal in the hearts of many people. You may or may not bo interested but this letter serves to introduce the subjeit and ■ can more easily phone and make appointment if you are willing to grant it. Until this work is properly organized this Han Antonio and South Texas Spanish history will keep or; dying. 'I assure you that in and around here there were imperial activities equal to California or Santa. Te or many other sections. Sincere1, y, Harral Ayres