June 15, 1917. Messrs. John Graft Parmer Piliana P . VI. Haar S. A. LeBlanc L. 0. Adams J. H. i'/elfe 1. C. Irvine Gentlemen:-- She Coastal Highway Conference, called ’07/ the Motile Chamber of Commerce, for the purpose of offering the cooperation of states, counties and highway associations, to the Government in the completion of a national highway connecting the fortified positions along the three coasts and the Mexican border, under the supervision of the 'Jar Department, will he hold in Mobile nest"Saturday, June a3rd, to Monday, June 25th. Up to this point, this matter has teen handled almost entirely by the Secretary, realizing the pressing business demands upon the tine of others. Indications point to a good attendance from widely separated communities, and the speakers who have qeeepted include Governor Okas. Henderson, Mr. Walter I. Wee else, of Boston, Hr. A. G. Batchelder, Executive Chairman of.the ' A. ... A., Washington, D. 0., Mr. John V/. Sibley, of Binainghga , Mr. Asehaffenborg, of.Hew Orleans, and probably some others who have not definitely promised.■ With only one week remaining, however, the Secretary must now ask for strong cooperation for a few days in order that the conference snail be handled smoothly and e f f e c I i ve 1 y. To that end, you are asked to meet in the Secretary's office this Saturday at 1 P. LI. to lay out the final program, arrange committee work and in general tc take ujj the completion of details. 'ifuiek and officiant work will make this conference potentially' of the greatest benefit to this city and section and may make history. Your prompt attendance 13 urgently rsauosted. MOBILE CHI'....BaH OF GOi.i.MSC .r General Secrotary.