8r» J0 Meruondano - Page E* and nemos find other conditions are boing considerably revived largely hccauso this lid Spanish 2rc.il work is continually emphasising the old Spanish history. r.'o observe today now hotels, public and private buildings, realty developments and many other works are reflecting decidedly tho old Spanish period. Right novv the most prominent architect of Sen Antonio is spending t lire a months in travel studies in Spain and intends to publish n book on Spanish architecture as adaptable to this country. I trust, therefore, you will boo that in our efforts to have the Spanish Government well represented at this Ot. Augustine celebration we ere doing it because we believe it will be pleasing to all future generations if this old Spanish history. Interest, architecture and art can be revived and kept alive in this country• with sentiments of oineorost ostoem, X. am Sincerely, Harrfil Ayres, Itonr-ging Pi root or, IlAJb