/ . ' ■ 0 /whan I ;■ h)X' to A2.t.»b<'-aa in January bho os'if dead fron Isov? Orleans l-.o »iic?{?Al sad ignored. Yotf on ^oreh £0-21.-23 we pat oto/L. :;i -lobiio the Sbar-Strvto Oonforene© that cost „-o 5 -■? ->>-• - Alabama has; no-.? v.v.id .-. iiot f.L or ;5 ■ ■'.■ ■' ••■'• to this $$ work tM,:. year} sfco ;/••££ fur that Sashington wor-Ic, Again9 on August ns and ?;> Govern. auto lc-rvlu loft Ibbilo, loti by the- Ghuabor* of Ctoanerco wi including am auto each from the &>ta?y, Kiwanin, Givitan, Optimist rad Auto clubs. They visited every t'onn to tho Louisiana stot lino. Vhor 3 -core received officially and socially at banquets, diiiaory and mootings by ALL the organisations of those towns-. i’hoy di acussed together the yroblons of thoir highway, 'fhon they, oniled on each town to underwrite its -uota for the 0S5? national tvinini .vtr• .tion and hoop the work moving. Without hoetlt&tion, :nd Pith over-pledging* It was dons Ho?; Oniony payors c/.l poo pi o caught the spirit and groat Kigiht-Str.ts Conference is now suggested, or oslo this tied into the national convention. So You of LnVzo Charles» if wp help you, o:m build up to this for foot Louisiana. -If you Trill guarantee •wr.-ov •>,%:• of ■ .•: ::; (whorjo salary aseduoivo of expanses As .;bnn yon mouth) I '/ill ooul bin r,t once. 'Sion sot :.; group Rooting fro:, your civic and iaohoon clubs ' and I will attend mooting. 'nosborouino shots 1 on to,: c euro of expenses, >7 Sriatoci natter wil.i be needed* X think I non .;•■:■ ; >':u Antonio to yny for nor© history booklets'} who h- nlror-dy ...vid for and distributed !osyP9 j on trying to got Hoe Orleans to isauo Kgm o copies booklets of some remarkable w tm-lb. tbo :vbilo-bisoiosiggi Qaati wnto tour developed.-. o-nd I believe -..-ur vouch vit:; would ehoowfixy ly pay for tG,oos? copies of ... pwaphlob in mind containing oho fashing-ton deoX:5a»r.ti6ns, n flii.:• is not a stnteaont of ^oncluyinus, but intondod to liolp ug think end act. ota-nor is over. I oa! t i-wlci uoa in idionessj, end Florida is unitins, 'n:- jo: ;v: tino i.c feen to pl.:n for tho convention, 1 should Cn-o, before tho convention^ so ’ox«t to far as Bon. J)iogo read Los te-seloo, or tUore .'ill !•: at: ropr'-soontutioii fr":: tho Host at tho convention, '.'tlssiOGifoi, iiabann ad PXorida. vlth thoir nonoy ready arc callinSs This i ' not an. easy task I have. X will oicn.a with tho words I used at tho bosiitv>iiiS-~—:;v uant and aood you., for this is a big, aid at tiaes a hoart-brsahinr; work, X never c-h-fortabiy soo say v/ay clear to got done tho things'1 io-j tho-t should be done. HiVrral B, Ayres September d, IfSfi n^agixis Bireotor, OST