NATIONAL. PUBLICITY Over 6,000,000 circulation has been secured in national-publications in 1928. This is secured by sending out travelogs to editors and writers. They are thus interested then ask for photos and more material. We help them with photos but have difficulty keeping "live" photos in stock. We also have in stock what we call "writers* material!!—it is a narrative of the struggle to build the highway and includes many figures as to oosts. We find however that writers prefer the historical and descriptive story, the historical boi&g the leaAo The McCall’s Magazine story reached 2,500*000 circulation. At advertising rates and a half would have cost §12,500, Other big feature articles this year included the New York American, 5 pages; Philadelphia Public Ledger, 5 pages* Manufacturers Record, 5 pages} and more than a dozen other national newspapers and magazines. CORRECTING COMMERCIAL MAPS Most of the commercial' maps are behind on southern road progress. This condition will continue for a few years0 We are continually working with these map manufacturers to get their plates corrected. OLD SPANISH TRAIL PUBLICATION RECORD Travelogs 62,500 Miscellaneous publications 60,000 Lithographed wall maps 10,000 . Magazine and feature publicity of late has reached 6,000,000 circulation annually. News circulation publicity cannot be calculated. Our dipping service shows it is constant and extensive. Headquarters succeeds in keeping interest alive. •5-