/IW ' ^ V j/ [r.U- l b f' / STENCIL OUTFIT . .OLD/SPANISH .TRAIL (7 i: FoUT£ Blue print and (map. sli^herewith shows this marker. To be placed as oftjen as necessary; the more often the better the traveler 'is pleased. Each marker sort of says to the stranger: You, are on the right road—Good Luck to you! •3 ARROW w JL-. DETOUR © S T" U 5. T o ,j HIGHWAY 10.1 (Figure-1 in a_c irble) rw* - •ft- s -2-A-TNTS V- - A f?fy&to i These are placed under the OST mark bn approaches to a Corner to give warning of a turn; then at or near the corner to show the turn. An-additional 5" white background must be painted for the arrows. Beyond the turn the regular OST mark is placed as a Confirmation—to'assure the traveler he made the turn all right. The Arrow marks call for thought and judgment. We nave found that in spite of care that cur arrows havel.net made a turn clear andotravelsro stop and inquire", or else g-c-t by tidy, travel some distance before they Bswimi»c, Wh.ere detours from the OST road are necessary this temporary marker can be stencilled on a white board 10x18" and nailed to posts and trees. A red 1" band at the right and a yellow 1" band at the left provides the colors. - f , . f/scfM Y • ;"J’’•*» $ 6& U The Main Line of the OST is ,No(l. If other important divisions are routed (one probably nwill be dovm the Gulf Shore in Texas across the P.io Grande to Tampico and I'exico City — the ancient El Camino Real) these divisions will be given other numbers. This Circle 1 goes occasionally at the top of the OST mark, just to emphasize this is the Main Line. T e white background for the Circle 1 is extended ?" above the regular white background. A red 1" band finishes the topj e.^ £ r' tQ •jj-p - . t. / S' ' • /'A frRKtCfiS These are not sent out with stencil outfits. Rany campsites, scenic loops, or historical places are off the Rain Line. A special marker is needed; also special numbers for identification and listing. To avoid confusion in these bssneh markings it is better for Service Crews to handle this work. 4 Ph I N White—pure white lead. The white coat must dry 34 hr vs. before the colors are put on. Black—any standard brand. Yellow—chrome yellow medium, any standard brand. Red—many reds will fade. Use Sherwin-Williams Dragon Bulletin red. Thin it slightly wit}) oil only and work it in with a brush. A thoroly brushed in body of this red should stand. C-G-* J 1 ’ « » ■* ) tJ. .!. ( ,/X.. 2 f YV*\« \ l ' I \ V t \ t .' , I ’ !