MONUMENTS SAINT AUGUSTIN!-: (Front Cover) In Osceola Park, Saint Augustine, Florida. Marks beginning point of the Old Spanish Trail. Dedicated April 2-3-4, .1929, with three days of old Spanish pageantry and with addresses by men and women from Florida, California. Texas, Louisiana and Spain. Old Fort San Marco in the background. SAN ANTONIO (Pack Cover) At City Hall plaza near the cross on the old portion of San Fernando Cathedral, the ancient Spanish center of commerce, trails and surveys. Girl scouts represent the six flags of the Texas country — French, Spanish. Mexican, Texas Republic, Confederate and United States. Placed by City Federation of Women’s Clubs, Mrs. J. K. Beretta President, directed by Old Spanish Trail Beautification Department. Mrs. Henry Drought National Director. Dedication address by Governor Pat Neff. Pageantry by Old Trail Drivers reenacting pioneer stagecoach, freight and mule-team scenes. William B. Krempkau Chairman. Dedicated March 27. 1924. SAN DIEGO (Back Cover) At San Diego. California, the Pacific terminus. Address by President Coolidge read by Col. Ed Fletcher. Masons assisting in the ceremonies. Dedicated November 37, 1923. (JHrs. pjrenrp inbiicB gnu in il;2 to ^Sjrarral JVgres ai i;er ijnrac siyrbf d’clods '®itesba» ebetthtg, April ifoenig-ninitj nmeteen-lfunbrph artii iljirtg. ®ljc ^Becnraiimt of life ^Rogal (Writer ai^isnhzl la (Uatoltra cnnferreb bg pjis (dffitajeatg life ^Eting nf Jipain an J3ftr. jSjrarrai ,Ayxe0 failff life iiiic nf ;ptttgl}t Qlornntanbgr inill be presenieb bg J§cnnr be JHbarri JSpanislf filnnsul fnr ®cxaa anil J?e£n ^fBHextcn. ®tje ebeni foil! signalise life cnntplciinn nf life funrh nnberiaben tlfirtcen gears agn in esiabiislf anb npen life ©lb JSpanisIf tEraii frnm jit- A“S“6iine, ,3|lnriba in ^an |Piegn, (Ealifnrnia.