May 18th.1917 Mrs.F.R.S,Phillips, Convention Secy, lot .Hat 1. Bank Bldg. , Tallahassee,F;a., Dear Mrs.Phil]ipa: I bog to acknowledge receipt, of your esteemed favor of the 13th.inst.with enclosure. I am sorry that Senator Bankhead could not attend,’out after the arising of the war situation,I must confess I never had much hope that he would be able to leave Washington,particularly as he has already been away sometime. I very much hope that you will be able to own a Flivver sometime before our great highway is entirely completed,but you should understand,as convention secretary,that it is now and has for some time been travellable its entire length from ocean to ocean and Harry Locke has actually run over it from Miami to Los Angeles. It is a pity that the Tailahaasee-Miami partjiof route is not covered by car as per undertaking,but after one has done one's best,you know the saying?- angels can do no more. Your work throughout has c rtainly been plucky and ycur energy indomitable. I have just received ycur night letter reading "Wire received I need you here and am counting atich on your coming my work will lose value if you not here have overcome obstacle without number but your desertion will be the last strav; to break my heart please wire me that you will coraei1