November 35, 1918 lire. F. R, S. Phillips, Asa fc. Secy. Old Spanish Troll hr,no. , TallahasgeOjFlo., linear Mr.Phillips: A I bog to acknowledge receipt of your esteemed favor of the 32nd. in at, with enclosures and h ave noted the whole, and have written Hr.Williams as per carbon copy thereof enclosed herewith. I am glad to note your usual attention and very much trust that you may be able to get to Chicago. ro are not here sufficiently in touch with the Florida situation to fcno whether or not there is anything we should ask for from the approaching cession of the legislature. It see: s to me that Florida has hod the matter so excellently in hand as to need "tyo suggestion from us. I f the other states would just emulate Florida and California we would i AciO-Ad' CUt &-is'" oo a pippin from £& to—s&aet. nhen we get settled down from the extraordinary war conditions,! trust wo may be able to get more actively to work again throughout the length of the Trail. very truly yours, (Sgd) nalmer Pi 1lans Copy to Stewart A. LeBle,nc,Eaq. Secy.Old Spanish Trail,City,