1 FLORIDA, SATURDAY, JAIYUALY il, 13ZZ. tills Ocnlf Land |c= IT CERTAINLY |E 1KIND OF YOU F- TO CARRY NY J I PACKAGE'S- Fiance, where a large number Americans who fought on the British front were buried. picious characters. "’he authorities state that recentl: much morphine has been sold her to drug: addicts. "’he men arrested last night, prac ___tlly all of whom were found in St. Louis hotel. 129 Broad street, ar is follows: Robert L. Hudson. 12 vhitc, Union hotel; John Giles, vhite, Jersey City, N. J.: Mfirrell F Foster, 24, white, Ttiiaca, N. Y.; Ja E. Simpson. 2S. white, Chicago; Bei Mitchell), 21. white. Knoxville Tonn.; Walter Brown, 21. Albany. N, Y.; Clifford Wells, of Crescent City. The last two are said to be hep connection with an investigate a larceny case. DEAR ME—DUVAL Dear Me, the comedy with songs, vhlch has served as a starring vehicle for Grace La Rue and Hale Hamilton for the past two seasons, comes to the Duval theater on January 21. It was produced by John Golden and staged under the direction of Winchell Smith, who was responsible for Lightnin’ and other great hits. YWEOPLE’S LEAGUE” ENTERTAINED ON FRIDA! Today will be a t>usv day on the public playgrounds, for in the morning, beginning at 10 o'clock, there will hi six grammar school girls’ basketball games on Confederate park, and five games on Willow Branch in West Riverside at the same hour. In the afternoon, commencing at 2 p. m.. there will be four games of boys’ basketball of the Junior Playground League and one Senior Playground League game. Much interest has been shown in these grammar school games and there will likely be a large number or fans out to cheer their favorite teams to victory. The. girls league schedule is as follows: At Confedernle I*nrk. Ninth and Perry vs Twenty-first and Walnut; second and thjrd teams. Fifth and Hubbard- vs Northeast Springfield; first and second teams Convent vs Riverside; first and second teams. At Willow Branch Park. West Riverside vs Central Grammar; tii st and second and third teams. Concordia vs East Jacksonville: first and second loams. The Boys’ League schedule: At Confederate Park, 2 P. 51. Riverside vs La Villa: Eighth and Boulevard vs Confederate. Northeast .'Springfield vs C. Riverside. East Jacksonville vs Twenty-first and Walnut. The senior game will _ bo between the Confederate "Luck Five” and the Confederate "Imps." POLICE AFTER VIOLATORS OF ANTI-NARCOTIC STATUTE Seven Men Taken Inlo Custody Last Night Charged With Being Vagrants and Suspicious Characters. n connection with the crusade against violators of the anti-narcotic law. the Jacksonville police earlj last night took into custody seven men who are charged on the police blotter with being vagrants and s CELEBRATED MINERS WILLflSK FOR 20 PER CENT WAGE INCREASE iGHODL TESMS WILL I PUT IS PHIS TONI Shamoqin, Pa.. Jan. JO.—The tridistrict wage convention of the United ' Mine. Workers of the anthracite fields today decided to ask the operators for a twenty per cent increase in wages for contract miners and an ’ncrcase of a dollar a day for all men employed by the day. At tonight’s session the convention adopted a demand providing for a standard T check-off system and also accepted t all other demands fo the scale com- j mittce. i The committee instructed the scale f. committee to perfect arrangements l providing for a suspension of mining t on April 1 in the event that no satis- i factory agreement had been reached ( on a new contract to take the plac * c of the present one, which expires March 31. t There was no serious opposition \ to the nineteen demands adopted or t to the proposition to quit work April i 1. The action taken by the convention will be referred to the interna- 1 tional convention which meets at Indianapolis Febrauary 11. International President John L. Lewis sair 1 1o the delegates while the debate on the demands was under way, that it * can be assumed that the international body will ratify the expressed wishes s of the anthracite miners. The convention which began session Tuesday, adjourned sine die after t adopting a resolution welcoming Ireland to the family of nations. i 'IIBLIG HEALTH ftSSOGIATIOM ■ WILL MEET IBIS AFTERNOOH The Young People’s Servico League of St. Andrew’s church last evening entertained the members of the Young People’s Service League of the Church of the Good Shepherd, at a delightfully informal social affair In St. Andrew’s hall. \ Thero was the usual mooting, opening with singing a hymn, prayer, reports ol’ committees, and announcements, after which they adjourned for an informal dance. About twenty-five members of the St. Andrew’s Service League were hosts and hostesses, and their guests included about twelve young couples from the Good Shepherd church. The Riverside ghosts were chaperoned by Mr. and Mrs. Britt. Miss Worsham, and Rev. Milton R. Worsham. Patronesses include Mrs. J. D. Russell, Mrs. J. O. Parsons. Mrs. H. C. Cooper, Mrs. William M. Hall. Mrs. Melville K. Johnson, with Rev. Johnson in charge of the program. The evening proved most enjoyable for the hosts and hostesses as well ns their guests. The executive board of the Florid*® Public Health Association will hold at® important meeting this afternoon at :■ o’clock in the’ slate headquarters® Dyai-Upchurch building, ut which time® the program will bo definitely® mapped out. ■ in view of the funds secured from® the annual seal sale, the program will® bo perfected, several recommendations® of the executive secretary, K. II. Hix-® son. as contained in his annual re-® port, will be considered, and all in all,® the meeting will be of great Import-® a nee in the health program for Flor-® ida. ® Those attending will include pres-® ident, Rabbi I. Kaplan, of Jackson-® villb; secretary. ’Mrs. J. W. McCollum,® of Gainesvlllo; treasurer, F. W. Hoyt,® of Jacksonville, and Dr. T. Z. Cason,®