n O O Ci'JiNC- h DRE*N\ fti-ALiTV PUTTING A IHEA1! ET FREE* - Have lived sy life ar.ory x’-e scenes 0? the Spanish pioneers. I have spent Per- a night reading the old chronicles where the thrilling story of their effort. is found in its primitive beauty. iy printing horse has published a nu. her of books of history of the .works of the cadres and of the coa-iulstadores 1 have taken pride in every o e of then. I hove felt a pride i.. :y eri- bership on 0 co rittee of th. IC.i Jits of rolu"b.-s directed to conduct research work i the libraries and archives of the baited States, ~'c:rico, South America and Spain and to path er^and^prep^-re i" re' iable for.n the old Spanish history of those centuries of re-■srkable achieve ent. It io a part of .:/ drea to sec that old story given to the world. I a one of the founder, of the Cld Spanish Trail oveuent and have watched that work revive Spanish interest. And nor in. hejaping to give t’is little book to the pu'lic, briefl" cwreftilly constructed as it is for easy re d- ing, I '."'cel that I a 1 putting a drea infc • typ e and giving it reality. The works of the Sp: iieh withers arc r.si ts bo .assured by the li dtations of : religion or of a race.- "hat v.as an ' crolc a<-e. Inaerfcctions re expect in anki d. "h:V'.;r sod, .. .- f. \ . "on Schreg ann I-rcsi'ent, Standard Friivti 3 ^ A ~ w. »£* A**, k'Ui or vhet" -W badj^ueft oa^ifehet krowe to _re: ’ sendeve ent . :d their life-story is rich V.: cOur fortitude, ro ance, d< shing leader- chip end su’ U -a faith.