St. Augustine Record EST APR 2 1 1930 (T5X Director St. Augustine Record APR 2 1 1930 FLORIDA DATE Harral Ayres Elaborate Jewel Will Be Presented April 29 SAN ANTONIO, Texas, April 22 —Harral Ayres, ten years leader of the Old Spanish Trail development, has received distinguished honor from the King of Spain. The Decoration of the Royal Order of Isabel la Catolica, with title of Knight Commander, has been conferred and on April 29 at a reception by San Antonio people the ceremonies of presentation will be held with Spanish Consul Pablo de Ubarri officiating. The jewel of the Order is a double-sideed Spanish sunburst two inches in diameter, suspended I from a laurel wreath. On one side the name of the Order; on the other side, “La Lealtad Acrisola-da,” expressive. of loyalty and merit. ' There are three titles in the Order—“Knight of the Great Cross,” and “Knight Commander,” and “Knights.” When Harral Ayres accepted the Old Spanish Trail leadership in 1919 there was no travelable route! across the Southern Borderlands.' Automobiles found round about courses through mud, cattle ranches and deserts, and numerous long and undependable ferries. The Spaniards in the old days extended their princely explorations, missions and colonies from Florida to California with such difficulty that their centuries of effort have gone into history as a heroic age. Today the Old Spanish Trail is one of the noted highways of the United States; the,pioneer history of the Spaniards, most ancient on the continent, is attracting the people; Spanish architecture and atmosphere are being revived. Progress reports indicate pavement will, in another two or three years, be complete on this highway from St. Augustine, Florida, to San Diego, Cal. When the monument was dedicated at St. Augustine, April, 1929, the Spanish Crown was represented by Senor Don Rafael Casares Gil. On that occasion a motorcade started from California’ carrying an eminent delegation of San Diegans, joined by delegates from other states; they traveled from San Diego to St. Augustine, ' 2,750 miles, in 11 days, keeping to a schedule like a railroad train. Harral Ayres, managing director of tile Old Spanish Trail, is decorated by the King of Spain ns a Knight Commander in the Royal Order of Isabel la Catolica in recognition of his long service in developing that highway from St. Augustine to San Diego. At a reception in San Antonio, Texas, April 29, the decoration will be presented by Senor P. de Ubarri, Consul of Spain for Texas and New Mexico. TEXAS Press Clipping Bureau DALLAS This Clipping From BEAUMONT ENTERPRISE APR 22 1930 Klffi DFSPIIi ■ME! Decoration of Royal Order of - Isabel Is Conferred on 0. S. T. Chief SAN ANTONIO, Texas, April 21. —Harral Ayres, 10 years leader of the Old Spanish Trail department, has received distinguished honor from the king of Spain. Tire con-decoration of the Royal Order of Isabel la Catolica, with title of knight commander, has been conferred and on April 29 at a reception by San Antonio people the ceremonies of presentation will be held with Spanish Consul Pablo de Ubarri officiating. The jewel of the order is a double-sized Spanish sunburst two inches in diameter, suspended from a laurel wreath. On one side the name of the order, on the other side “La Lealtad Acrisolada,” expressive of loyalty and merit. There are three other titles in the order —"Knight of the great cross” and "knight commander" and "knights.” When Harral Ayres accepted the Old Spanish Trail leadership in 1919 there was no travelable route across the southern borderlands. Automobiles found round about courses through mud, cattle ranches and deserts, and on numerous long and undependable ferries. The Spaniards in the old days extended their princely explorations, missions and colonies from Florida to California with such difficulty their centuries of effort have gone into history as a heroic age. Today the Old Spanish Trail Is one of the noted highways of the United States, the pioneer history of the Spalards, most ancient on the continent, is attracting the people; Spanish architecture and atmosphere are being revived. Progress reports indicate pavement will, In another two to three years, be complete on this highway from St. Augustine, Fla., to San Diego, Cal. When the monument was dedicated at St. Augustine, April, 1929, the Spanish crown was represented by Senor Don Rafael Casares Oil. On that occasion a motorcade started from California carrying an eminent delegation of San Dlegoans, joined by delegates from other states; they traveled from San Diego to St. Augustine, 2750 miles In 11 days, keeping to a schedule like a railroad train. y * .1 ■