Silk A.ouse r I r'o r. erviee .engraving Co 3 Pub .Corvice 2 .... Printing ;•> ... faille o .. A Drug .. Awning r. 5Ant ;j .. Paper Co 0 ’. Stovers • .: - -itlulituic Stats Cat 3k - 3 3t:. \o]:.s Auto 0 Staack; Arc. • :13 Stascke-„ Penas Actor Co Standard Ptg : J P Simmons C- 1. Pune Pex Slue Print v - II P;ler Uvalde dock -ru-lAlt Univerai Car. Co Proto v-Hundl r 1 .art in '.'.'right Aoliot; H 1 wagner Co v , Aalthall Aotor Co • ;.alt-Cvsr Boot iaop V/a Elver Ire a ■.eottroct I'o tor Co Pilohita Actor Co 0 X with : .... Ainor lilies 111son-roller A 1 111 lio;.:.:.: linoricl: 1 tor Co ; idul lolfson 1 Pclff ; ......r:. Icolv.orth .Aonnoth rimer —£*JlD a. .A) 1 Gunter Hotel is no ~B 1911 ~ 0 ' ? ar:aa. Gut of Business 100 (OSi owe:, thoir.) 10 10 25 10 o 100 ,0j_ ov/es them}. 25 (See Crouton) 25 25 Air or A-si "ICC 1921) 25 25 15 100 100 IOC 1 20 25 50 15 ;c X 25 2C flirst niibshp paid Ca I ■ 5 117 " Ain 25 ; OS! ov.v r them ) 25 10 240.™ I Aeaston 5 ; 07/"fj tl.'. A 25 15 5 X 2) Joe Carroll 100 ICO a; vn Aerpcd 2 5 ■ 25 25 lodge ear 50 25 ~5 7? 10 10 12 50 laired 5 25 25 449 : ain 25 25 A. 1 • li . rom. 1921 £5 ■..-CC ....—n 10 110 1 odoll (../ora .15 , 12 50 1910 £ £ 1320 25 50 25 5.5 100 100 100 10 10 15 15 v 4501 52 ..’4033 oo ,.1565 00 r* means percent. _ „ I ":j 00 iBer'bar&hips existed until Junuar; 19x1 ■— tnan JrO 00 ieoams the minimum Numerous Acorn; or clips71 or "donations7' veero given in Uovonoer 1919 when we i re wor ing to re-organize this Oil Spanish Srail and fix Can -.iitonio I: leadership. 1 observation i; most v:. roe so people would have sta; ' rlth tl organization if the financial depression had not followed.