Lay 5* 19i7o Mr. Harry locko, 652 South Olive Street, Log Angolon, California. My Dear Harry ; = Your letter of the 50th receive.?!, contents notedo Article of Loo Angelas Bxaminor received and S3 nuggeetod I will try to re-write and use same for t'n Bulletin. Bulletin make-up I no to your reworks about and ' now 1 have got to find gone friend who will « . plain to mo how 1 am to got Bulletin get up in linotype, al~o coat of game. "T'-e Old fpanieh Trail" i«- not in a very fluda condition at present owing to lack of oofclac r «r%niz ~tion. Those 50 Guidos from Ll°yd I note your remarks abaut and as per c opy of letter sent you 1 am trying to Call hi a bluff and make him deliver. Yours ti’uiy. Seoretaiy.