NEW YORK CHICAGO SAN FRANCISCO jfc Automobile Blue Boor c'cXIVrip ANY 900 SO. MICHIGAN AVE. CHICAGO June 12, 1917 Hr. Stewart A. I.eBlanc, S9C.f Old Spanish Trail Ass'n., Mobile, Ala. My dear Sir;- In the recent Spanish Trail bulletin, which I have read with a great deal of interest, I note the excellent running time made between Tallahassee and new Orleans, and in view of the fact that to have had some very recent discouraging reports regarding the condition of this road, I would like to ask you just which route this fast time was made on. Our own Blue Book car just finished covering the route across the southern part of the country into New Orleans and took a new road between Pass Christian and New Orleans, going via Bogalusa instead of via logtown. This avoids numerous ferries, is only 33 miles longer and, our information is, time can be saved going this way instead of via the numerous ferries. Please let me have your opinion on the subject. V/e have received a lot of criticism lately on the ferry service and exorbitant charges, in that section of the country, tourists claiming that it costs them as much for ferry as it does for hotel bills. I know our own car had ferry bills of over :;20.CO in one week. Can't something be done to eliminate or a.t any rate modify these charges if they are as unreasonable as most of the touring public in that section seem to imagine. It certainly hurts the touring in that part of the country. I will bo glad to hear from you on this as soon aw convenient. Very truly yours. 2DIT0R RAW- BH