San Antonio, Texas, Sept. 18, 1922. I'r. Chas. Draebner, Chairman, Advisory B arc! of Old Spanish Trail, San Antonio, Texas. Dear Sir: The finance committeewishes to state that lir. Aikman has made a full report of the manner of conducting the finances and the management of the Old Spanish Trail association. His report advises that the funds of the association have been properly handled so far as he is able to ascertain, but it also advises that there are some considerable obii pit ions still due by the Association with practically no funds with which to meet them. After going into the matter of the association, it seems to be impossible for the iana. ifig • Director and the President to work in harmony, and believing it .is for the good of the Association to go "into the Convention in November without any difficulties or incompatibility existing between the officers,and believing that the Old Spanish Trail Association should be in the hands of some one who is giving his entire ti me to it, and that the officers should receive some compensation from the Association for their services, and as Dr. Johnston's work in connection with the Association is entirely a matter of gratuitous work, we believe it would be to the best interest of the Association that the resignation of the "resident be tendered. The Chairman of this Committee has gone into this matter with Dr. Johnston in i erson, and we do not wish Dr. Johnston 'or this committee to feel that his' services have not been appreciated, but make this recommendation only and wholly with the view of creating harmony in the Association. Bo far as we are able to understand, i’r. Ayers has given a great deal of ti-rae to the Association, understanding its workings from one end of the country to the other, and we believe it for the good of the Association, should the resignation of Dr. Johnston be tendered, fcha-t-’Ar. Ayers • be • given .the f’re’srd-sn-ey.,, by reason of the fact that it would put San -Antonio in a much better light before the November Convention. In closing we wish to. thank Dr. Johnstonyxsxxxxnmmi’irfcKHr for his ofen-rnindedness and for the work he has done for the Association, and assure him that*the good wishes of every one of the committeemen. We recommend that a vote of thanks bo given Dr. Johnston for the services rendered the Association the past year. *he has