I must now get back into regular business. Perhaps through your extensive connections you may have some helpful suggestions. This southern national trunk line is now well established---it has been ten years since I undertook to create and open it. The work has cost me heavily, as the enclosed finance statement shows, but having undertaken it I felt I had to stay by it until opened and fully recognized. % past experience has been in financial lines. In this OST work it was ny experience in negotiations and in fostering financing agreements, backing these with effective publicity, that were the underlying factors in the success of the enterprise. Obviously these years and their costs have been a drain on me and a return to private work is necessary. I hope you may be able to afford some friendly suggestions. Sincerely, HA:b Mail Address Box 501 Gunter Hotel, San Antonio. Home Phone Woodlawn 6215 at 865 Estes Ave., Alamo Heights. Harral Ayres