H.C. BRANCH 'E B ST ER, MAS SAC HU SETTS 1 August 1930 Mr. Harral B. Ayres San Antonio Texas Lear Friend: I recently "borrowed of Mr. Spaulding Bartlett the literature you had sent him regarding the Old Spanish Trail project that you have been interested in and have brought to such a successful conclusion. May I extend these rather tardy congratulations upon the work you have done. It has taken a long time but the object was worthy and you have done a good j ob -and that counts a lot. Writing this note to you recalls our work together during the Chamber of Commerce days. Y/e have, alas, no chamber now but we do have a live Rotary Club, of which I am a charter member and director. I wish you might drop in some Monday at 12:15 and talk to us ! We have accomplished quite a bit in less than three years and have rather a pretensious program ahead. I am glad of this opportunity of just saying "Hello" and wish kindest regards and best wishes, I am,