E. H. KIFER J. W. YOUNG C. C KRUEGER GEO. D. CAMPBELL PORTER A. WHALEY WM HARRISON FURLONG. San Anton i o, Tex as April 23, 1929, THE STAFF: Wm. HARRISON FURLONG. HOWELL W. JONES FRED W. MALLY. SIDNEY KRINO.-on acCRETARy C C. LEEL.^ TR|A!_ aECBCTAny «J. OTIS PARRISH. A. R. ^CCRCTARY U S PAWKETT. ^ ^ dept Col. Ike Ashburn, Manager, Chamber of Commerce, Houston, Texas. DIRECTORS: N. H. WHITE ERNEST BROWN A.C. PRUCHA FREDERICK TERRELL A. U. Me KEN2IE WALTER NAPIER Wm. OCHSE GERALD E. MELLIFF F L.HILLYER F L.THOMSON THEO. FRIEDRICH NAT GOLDSMITH C. M.CHAMBERS PERRY S. ROBERTSON E. A. HOLMGREEN CHARLES BALDUS B. G. IRISH HARRY HALFF U.T. HAILE IRA RUPLEY ROBERT D. BARCLAY Dear Ike: With the ^revolt”in Louisiana and a coordinated effort now being made by the Old Spanish Trail towns west of San Antonio to stage a program of intensive activities apart from the management and direction of the present Old Spanish Trail Organization, it would appear that a meeting such as Gill proposes would be a good thing. Let me know when it is to be and I will come over. That the motor travel is being systematically directed away from this territory,there is no question in the minds of the men who know this work. You might take a look at the enclosed map whioh has a national circulation. The article accompanying it carries the facts concerning our situation. I am enclosing a copy of the instrument received from Junction, Texas, today which is self explanatory. Very truly yours, ASSISTANT MANAGER AND MANAGER HIGHWAY DEPART cHA*BE"B3iFMM^c UNITED STATES $ V/HF.h. Ends aa'j/Easa^