Laredov 1f Gulf 0/ fir Monterrey Mexico G ^ °o\ \ Moxico^v\_X < p- „,c? CD-o»ro„c» GUATEMALA Caribbean Sea San SalvaSr^fcl^1)3®112 NICARAGUA^ rx( ^^v^nama -An Alt-Amcrican HUm would brin* the “STA RICA./'Sg^fe^ ^ VENEZUELA people of Central and South America into more PANAMAS (ft / v~-y i d:rect business relationships with those of the m . i., - United States and create a better understanding SY\ \ ^________r' {b U' i A 'll, among these nations.” fy# z' L \ \ on\D. )rn "We ought to lend our encouragement in any ^ rO ) )D*'- - way wc can for more pood roads to all the princi- jJfc''. ^ V >- ^couator pal points in this hemisphere south of the Rio T ~0^QuitC?X-------------------------------------- —_______________ _ Grande" President Coolidgo Guayaquil^ECUADORV •’ _ A»>.gSs^S ' ‘ ”1 want to see 100.000 American cars crossing \A a / the line into Mexico to enable the American peo- ( ' pie to *cc and meet my people that a better and friendlier under- 1 y , standinp may obtain between the two nations”—President Colics. / “Resolved, that it is the sense of the Senate that the President \\ V B enter into nepotiations with Mexico or any other republic or \ <^ \ J Central or South America for the purpose of concludinp treaties \ R ^ or conventions providing for (11 the establishment of air mail service with the United States and (21 the construction of an Lima Ml r \ international hiphwav conncctinp the United States with such )n / — countrySenate Joint Resolution by Senator Oddie. Also see part of the United States is the logical place for a north-and- /a J / . south hiehway. And the Meridian Highway, which is already iff ( one of the best of the cross-country roads, is the logical avenue IB S for »he greater project.”—“A Grandicose Dream.” Wichita Valparaiso "The goal of a highwav from Winnipeg to far off Buenos /^'Qanfj' UAY Aires may seem unattainable now, but the time will come with- / ff • ' .out a doubt when the Yankton Motorist may take his vacation riff J ires jaunt down across the equator and on an improved road all the Pc « waCu- . .. , . . , lf 4 . . 1 DISTANCES Miles "This 13 such a big one (dream) that it takes your breath /■ A »*,;«««. r locn awav for a time. But it is practical. And what is more it is JP J )*}*P££ ^0 Laredo 1850 inevitable.—Yankton Press and Dakotan. Puerto MonttBarilocl 100% All-Wcalhcr Road) "Another thing such a highway (Pan-American) will do: It will £() Mexico City...---- 800 transform Newton, near the geographical center of the United States, J V C1CO City to Guatemala.....1100 from the hub of a great national highway system to the junction point \ « domain. to Sail Salvador 250 JJ^kESST* a"d '0nC0S' i",crna,i<'nal h*h'v"y ,ha wor,d'"- Salvador to Managua ZI G00 . . .... ... lagua to Panama Canal .....1400 "If each country will build one north and south road across its .O/ 1 enn domain—and no country can afford to do less—and same meet at a ) Mr ama Canal to Guayaquil.... 1500 common poin* at internPtlon.*’l boundry line what is now a dream will &uf j lyaqUU to Lima..................1300 be a fact. Thousmds of miles of the proposed road south of the Rio ysif ^ ffy m to Antofnjraxtn 1750 Grande is now bring used by half a million automobiles "—John C. fi \r,»i............01 cn Nicholson. President of International Meridian Highwuy Association. Oulgasta to Valparaiso..........^loU Newton. Kansas. panso to Buenos Aires..2000 CAPE HORN Total___ ________14,700 PAN-AMERICAN HIGHWAY—MERIDIAN—U. S. 81