THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AUSTIN OFFICE OF THE LIBRARIAN May IS, 1927. Mr. Harral Ayres, San Antonio, Texas, My dear Mr. Ayres, I am returning herewith the list of Spanish and Indian names along the Old Spanish Trail referred to me in response to your letter of May 11. I have filled in those I know and will he glad to furnish further information as I come across items. Ho?/ soon must you complete the task T My wprk in the Spanish and Mexican Manuscript Materials has brought unto my mind many similar projects to yours? that is somewhat like yours;and I am wondering if you would be interested in a collection of legends and stories gathering around the places named on your Road. I had intended to make it more of a contribution to the literature and legends of Texa.s and of the Southwest but if you would be able to make it profitable by using it as advertising materials I should like to hear from -rou . I tuink it possible to make the old Spanish Trail live again in song and story. Yours truly, ( Mrs. ) Mattie Austin Hatcher, Archivist University of Texas. Library U. of T. My notes are narked ■§