THIS SECTIOS MUST BE COMPLETED ffl DETAIL BY POSTMASTER .• ‘ ONLY, BUT DO NOT ATTACH SLIPS. 1. II ordinary mail, how dispatched? Hour... Dato........ Name of Railway Font Office and train number......... If by Star or Rural Carrier, give number of route............— Stale whether sent in direct package or sack, or in R. P. O. package or sack. ......................... --------------------------- 2. if registered or insured mail, give number...............—.......... 3. If registered mail, stato how dispatched, whether direct or to a dis- t ributing post office. If the latter, to what office ?.......... •1. If sent in a jacket, inner sack, or through pouch, describe same. 5. Whose receipt is held for tho article? 6. If the complaint is of loss of a registered article addressed to Austria-Hungary, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Russia, or Turkey, postmasters must obtain from the sender tho accuralo foreign address used, clearly written in English, and hi addition to this a facsimile address on an onvclopo or slip of paper. 7. J f a parcel-post packago addressed to a foreign country, to what United Slate i exchange oflieo was it forwarded and by what route? 8. When a letter is stated to liavo contained a money order, tho postmaster must add to his report tho status of such order, dato of issuo or payment, and of applicai Jon for duplicate or repayment, If made, and must adviso tho persons interested what steps must ho taken by them to avoid loss or unnecessary delay iu obtaining payment. Sec. 4S7. Postmasters and other postal officers shall roport in tho manner outlined ovory complaint mado to them, or which comes to their knowledge, of tho loss, rifling, delay, wrong dolivcry, or other improper treatment by postal employees of or damage to any article of mail matter. (а) Tho loss, rifling, -wrong delivery or,or damago todomestic registered mail shall bo reported to tho Chief Inspector. If tho complaint is mado at a first or second class office, it should bo mado on Form 505. If tho complaint is mado at a third or fourth class office, it should bo mado on Form 1510 or by letter. (б) Inquiries concerning tho disposition or delay of domestic registered mad and complaints of failuro to rccoivo return receipts therefor shall bo reported to tho Third Assistant Postmaster General, Division of Registered Mails. These reports should bo mado on Form 1510 or by letter, end in every instanco ol delay tho cnvclopo or wrapper should bo submit- (c) A complaint of tho loss of registered mail addressed to any foreign countrv, if mado to a postmaster at a ilrst or second class offieo. should bo mado on Form II (Form 512), described by tho Universal Postal Convention, tho answers to tho questions on tho form to bo mado in accordance with tho instructions printed thereon. Tho particulars of dispatch within tho United States should bo inserted by tho postmaster and tho form forwarded to tho postmaster at tho cxchango office to which the registered articlo was dispatched, if known, and it not known, tho form should bo forwarded directly to tho Chief Inspector. Tho postmaster at tho cxchango office, when Form II is received, shall insert tho particulars of dispatch of tho registered articlo from that ollico and forward tho form to tho Chief Inspector. If tho complaint is mado to a postmaster at a third or fourth class office, it should bo made on Form 1510 and tho form forwarded directly to tho Chief Inspector. (d) Complaints of tho loss of registered articles mailed in foreign countries and addressed to tho United States, or in transit through tho United States, shall bo reported to tho Chiof Inspector on Form 1510 or by loiter. (r) Complaints of tho rifling, wrong dolivcry of, delay or damage to foreign registered mail should bo mado in all instances on Form 1510 and tho form forwarded directly to tho Chief Inspector. With all complaints of tho rifling, delay of, or damage to mail, tho cnvclopo or wrapper should bo submitted, is in tho possession of the complainant. (D Inquiries concerning tho disposition of foreign registered mail and complaints of failuro to rcccivo return receipts therefor should bo mado on Form 1510 or by letter and forwarded to tho Chief Inspector. (<7) Postmasters at cxchango offices shall report to tho Chief Inspector, with full particulars of tho mail matter involved, whero tho cxchango of bulletins of verification determino a loss of or damago to mail matter dispatched from tho United States. (/i) Complaints of tho loss or rifling of ordinary domestic mail including parcel post, insured and C. O. D., and special delivery mail should bo mado on Form 1510, and if tho complaint is mado to a postmaster at a first or second class office, tho complaint shall bo jacketed on Form G51 and forwarded to tho inspector in chargo of tho division in which tho post offieo where tho articlo was mailed is located. If tho complaint is mado to a postmaster at a third or fourth class office, it should bo mado on Form 1510 and tho form forwarded to the inspector in chargo of tho division in which tho post offieo whero tho articlo was mailed is located. (Sco See. 4SS, pars. 10 to 13, as to indemnity.) O') Complaints of tho wrong delivery of or tampering with ordinary domestic mail, including parcel post, insured or C. O. D., and special delivery mail, shall bo reported by all postmasters or other postal employees to tho Chief Inspector. (i) Complaints of tho raissending or delay whilo in transit of ordinary and special-delivery domestic mail shall bo reported to tho division superintendent, Railway Mail Scrvico, of tho division in which tho post offieo whero tho articlo was mailed is located. Complaints of delay at tho office of address of ordinary and special-delivery domestic mail shall bo reported to tho First Assistant Postmaster General. Theso reports should bo mado on Form 1510 or by letter and tho envelope or wrapper submitted with tho report. (/:) Tho damago to mail sacks or pouches and contents in tlio exchange of mail by railway postal clerks shall bo roported to tho division superintendent. Railway Mail Sendee, of tho division in which tho damago occurred. Tho roport shall contain a description (namo and address of addressee, namo of sender, and offieo of mailing) of any registered mail damaged or ordinary mail of tho third or fourth class damaged. If any registered mail is damaged, report shall also bo mado to tho Chief Inspector, with full description. (0 Complaints of tho damage to an individual picco of any class of domestic mail matter, except registered, shall bo reported to tho division superintendent, Railway Mail Scrvico, of tho division whero tho damago occurred. These reports may bo mado on Form 1510 or by lotter, and tho envelono or wrapper (except for fourth-class mattor) should bo submitted with tho report, if possible. (to) Complaints of tho less, rifling, wrong delivery, delay of or damago to ordinary foreign mail should bo mado on Form 1510 and tho form forwarded directly to the Chief Inspector. (n) Complaints of any improper treatment of mail matter, domestic or foreign, registered or ordinary, not covered by tho preceding paragraphs, shall bo roported on Form 1510 or by letter to tho bureau of tho department having jurisdiction of tho subject involved. (Sco Sees. 9 to 10.) (o) All cases of tho rifling, robbery, or burning of mail or post offices or postal cars, or any extraordinary loss or destruction of mail matter, as well os any accident or doprodation of consequence requiring tho immediate attention of inspectors, shall bo promptly reported by telegram, if practicable, to tho Chief Inspector, and also to tho inspector in chargo of tho proper division. (p) Postmasters (except postmasters at United States cxchango offices when specifically authorized) shall refrain from addressing inquiries to postmasters or other postal officers in tho Philippino Islands regarding tho alleged loss, rifling, delay, wrong dolivcry, or improper treatment by postal employees of or damago to any articlo of mail matter, registered or ordinary. 2. Postmasters and other postal employees shall not make nor attempt to make settlements directly with losers on account of tho loss, depredation, dolav, wrong dolivcry, or other mistreatment of mail matter, either before report is mado to liio Chiof Inspector or after such report and pending tho determinat ion by tho Chief Inspector of tho responsibility for such loss or irregularity, nor conceal tho facts of a depredation upon or loss of mail matter. REMARKS OR EXPLANATION BY POSTMASTER. (Reporting any special features of the case or request of the complainant not indicated elsewhere; especially as to whether other losses in connection with that reported herein occurred oil the same date or other dates; and if so, lioxo many; and if they have been properly reported; also as to how the letter or parcel was delivered, and if by carrier, on what trip.) Postmaster. u\JJlr hero impression of postmark! uy stamp, r writc data of rejiort by postmaster