7. Regular memberships of $1.00 a year, payable on the first of January, annually. Donations of money shall he requested from the Commer-eial Club. Automobile Club, or other like organization in each eitv or town on the route of the Old Spanish Trail, for the maintenance of the Association, as its necessities may require. and the ability of the respective cities and towns on the route to pay may permit: the several amounts assessed to be left to the .judgment of the executive Council. Said funds to be remitted to the Treasurer of the Association, for use in defraying the general expenses of th Association. 5. OFFICERS. The officers of the General Association shall consist of a President, the State Vice Presidents and a Secretary-Treasurer. C. HOARD OF DIRECTORS. The Hoard of Directors shall be composed of the General Officers. State Vice Presidents and three State Directors from each State. A quorum shall consist of not less than seven members, representing not less than three States. Directors can vote by written proxy at ail called meetings. Business may. with the written consent of the Directors, be transacted by correspondence, telegraph or telephone instead of physical meetings. 7. G EX f: R A I, EX E( FT IV E COM M ITT EE. The General Executive Committee shall consist of the President and State Vice Presidents. A quorum shall eo lisist of not less than three members. The duties of the General Executive Committee shall be to consider and pass upon all matters laid before them by the President or any member of the committee. The Secretary of the Association shall act as secretary of the Executive Committee, shall keep the minutes of the meetings of file Executive Committee and at all meetings of the Hoard of Directors the minutes of the intervening meetings of the Executive Committee shall be read. This ......mittce may act in the same way as just provided for the Directors. 8. ELECTION. The election of the President and Secretary-Treasurer S shall henceforth be made by the Hoard of Directors at their annual meeting as hereinafter provided. 9. MEETING OF HOARD OF DIRECTORS. I lie President or Secretary-Treasurer of the Old Spanish I rail Association shall notify each member of tile Hoard of Directors by letter or wire at his registered address at least ten days prior to the annual meeting. The Board of Directors at the annual meeting shall elect a President and Secretary-Treasurer and take up all business coming before the. meeting relative to the welfare of the Old Spanish Trail Association. The Hoard of Directors is empowered to employ a Field Secretary and Engineer and such other employees as may be required in their .judgment, and to fix their salaries and define their duties. 10. SPECIAL MEETINGS. Special meetings of the Board of Directors may be held at the call of the President or of the General Executive Committee, provided a written notice or telegram is sent, by the President or Secretary-Treasurer to each member of the Hoard at least five days prior to the meeting, stating object, time and place of meeting. 1 1 DUTIES OF OFFICERS PRESIDENT. 'I'lie President shall preside at all meetings of the Hoard id' Directors. General Executive Committee and the General Association. The President, with the Secretary-Treasurer, shall execute all papers of record requiring a corporate seal. No contract or obligation shall be entered into involving an expenditure of over $200.00 without the consent of the Executive Committee or the Hoard of Directors. VICE PRESIDENT. In the absence or disability of the President, the Executive Committee shall elect from among their number a President pro terr.pore. who shall exercise the powers and porlorm the duties of the President and shall perform such duties as may be set forth by the Hoard. 9