',7AL T ON - SPUN CUR MAP GO, COPY 1245 5. SPATE ST. GRIGAGO, ILL. SCALE 0? PRICES ?0R PROPOSED '/ALL HAP OF OLD SPANISH TRAIL Like dummy submitted, but on cloth stock with sticks at top and bottom; wrapped for mailing: ijuanti ty 1 Color 2 Colors 3000 5000 10000 31970.00 2700.00 4450.00 32240.00 2950.00 4675.00 Like dummy submitted, but tinned top and bottom inforced - orinted on 100 lb. offset stock man enclosed in mailing tube: edges not re-each 3000 31190.00 31460.00 5000 1525.00 1775.00 10000 2450.00 2675.00 SCALE 0* PRICES FOR FOLDED POCKET HAPS OF O. 3. T. . Like dummy submitted; 18'1 X 7 7-0’T; face and buclodn black only; two cover cages imprinted in black with special publicity; remaining two pages nrinted with your copy; 60 lb. offset stock; folded like dummy, or as nor your specifications. Minimum run, 10,000 maps. Minimum special imprint, 1000 maps; Tmnrint quantity 1 Color 1000 3 85.00 2000 130.00 5000 275.00 10000 490.00