A. S. BUSSELL. JR., Agent General Insurance 74 Saragossa Street Phone 1150 USTNA BOND COMPANY NANCY Iv. HUNTER. Manager 210 St. George Street All Kinds of Insurance phone 391 NOTARY PUBLIC COMPLIMENTS OF DUNHAM HOUSE HELM'S BARBER SHOP 120 Charlotte Street Phone 1410 COMPLIMENTS OF PENNY PROFIT DRUG STORE CARRIE MACON Skin and Scalp Specialist Hair Dressing, Marceling, Shampooing, Round Curling. Anti- SERVICE CLEANING AND PRESSING CO. Norton & Wells, Props. 9 St. George Street, at the City Gates CLEANING PRESSING REPAIRING ALTERING We Call For and Deliver Promptly. All Work Guaranteed Telephone 1396 septic Manicuring and Chiropody, Facial Electric and Vibratory Massage, Hair Making. Rain Water Used Exclusively. Open Wednesday and Saturday Evenings by Appointment Ladies Attended to at their Residences by Appointment Phone 383 161M: St. George Street St. Augustine, Fla. MODERN CLEANERS WE CALL !VE DELIVER Send It To a Master Dver and Cleaner PHONE 51 COMPLIMENTS OF ROBERT H. MATTOX Insurance REALTY BUILDING SOLLA'S CUT-RATE STORE 1-11 Kins: Street Drug Sundries Soda, Cold Drinks Our Cut Prices Continue COMPLIMENTS OF DUBBS’ CLEANING AND PRESSING 114 Charlotte Street Phone 1376 COMPLIMENTS OF RECTOR’S HOTEL 21 Si. George Street Tailoring, Cleaning, Pressing, Repairing All Work Guaranteed MEYER GLIC.KSTE1N Phone 175-J 56V£ Granada Street McQUAIG'S DRUG STORE 209 West King Street Phone 200-J Complete line of Drugs, Notions, Toilet Articles, Candies and Tobacco. Moke our 100 per cent Fountain your headquarters. Quick Delivery. Curb Service. COMPLIMENTS OF R. A. PONCE ELLERSON BROTHERS PATENT MEDICINES. TOILET ARTICLES. STATIONERY CANDIES AND TOBACCO Phone 1006 281 West King, St. Augustine, Florida L. T. PLUMMER DAIRY PURE MILK AND CREAM TELEPHONE 1069-M TNSURABLE nnODAY J.NCURABLE X OMORROW See HOKE SMITH, Insurer 301 First National Bank Building * NATIONAL CLEANER AND DYER Cleaning, Pressing, Repairing and Altering 18 Marine Street Phone 1011 St. Augustine, Florida * 32 Ipril 2. 3. 1. 1920—Si. Augustine. Florida Ponce De Leon Celebration—Old Spanish Trail Third Day, Thursday, April 4, 1929 PROLOGUE wo days have been devoted to the early his-({, _ tory of St. Augustine and some of the most (t '“'■y jfgp impressive scenes in the life of the Ancient / p .£-.24?J-K City have been presented. In the change of { VAsi&fSffi Hags ceremony all of the nations represented in the history of Florida take part; Indians, " ’ Spanish, French and English have all stamped their impressions on the pages of St. Augustine history and disappeared, but the Stars and Stripes will Hoat forever over this quaint old city. PROGRAM 10:30 O’CLOCK A. M. The scene reveals the north side of Fort San Marco and fort reservation. South end of arena is occupied by mounted Indians, the original occupants of the country, who line up facing north. A trumpet sounds and the Spanish infantry, under El Capital! Andres Soves Patino, marches from the south to the scene, taking up a position at the cast end of the arena, facing west, and again the bugle sounds and the Spanish Grandees and Knights, led by Ponce de Leon and Mencndcz, and followed by the Spanish Caballeros, under Don El Capital! St. George de Ncivc, march from the south to the scene and take their position at the rear of the Spanish infantry. T he notes of a bugle buret on the air and the French forces march forth from the south, under the command of Capital! Albert de la Picrria, and occupy the west position on the north side of the arena, facing south. Again the bugle is heard and the rattle of drums follows; then the English arc seen marching from the south. This company, under command of Captain Robert Montgomery, marches to the north side of the arena and lines up with the French. Martial music now is heard in the distance, and the American troops of .ibzt come into view, marching from the south and occupy position on the west side of the arena. The various forces being at station, the ceremony ot changing the Hags will take place. Detail from a Spanish company is ordered to hoist the Spanish Hag and band plays Spanish national anthem. French detail, at command of French Captain, moves to flag pole; the French flag is then hoisted while the band plays “March Lorraine.” . .. . English detail, in obedience to command, hoists English flag and band plays “Rule Britannia. American detail, at command of American Captain, moves to flag pole and hoists American flag while band plays “Columbia, Gem of the Ocean. Details of American and Spanish soldiers advance to center pole while commanders of American and Spanish forces step to center ol arena, attended by aides, and foi- mally salute each other. Spanish commander. El Capitan Andreas Soves Patino, carries scroll which he presents in formal surrender of city to American commander, who accepts it and they exchange salutes, and Spanish detail hauls down Spanish flag on center pole. The Spanish, French. English and American details advance to their respective flag poles and lower flags, while American detail hoists American flag on center pole and band plays “The Star Spangled Banner.” Officers arid details resume places with their respective companies. GRAND STREET PARADE Parade starts from Reservation, east around Fort Marion Circle, south on Bay, west on King to Sevilla, north to Valencia, east to Cordova, north to Orange to Reservation. Disbands at Fort. The grand parade following the ceremony of the Change of Flags will form as follows: SECTION I 1. Grand Marshal and Aides. 2. Ketterlinus High School Drum and Bugle Corps. 3. Great Incohouec Cacique Timucua. Cacique Coacoo- chee and the Princess Arriola. 4. Foot Indians, headed by Chiefs, Medicine Men. fol- lowed by squaws and children. 5. Mounted Indians, headed by Cacique Apalache. SECTION II 1. Assistant Marshal. 2. Heralds. Standard Bearers, Outriders and Pages. 3. Don Juan Ponce de Leon and Don Pedro Menendez de Aviles. 4. Coach with Spanish Queen. 3. Carriages of Ladies in Waiting and Grandees. 6. The fifth Squadron of Caballeros de Sevilla, under El Capitan St. George de Neive. SECTION III 1. Assistant Marshal. 2. University of Florida Band. 3. First Company Lanciers, Battalion de Cordova. El Capitan Don Jose Hernando. 4. English—“Oglethorpe Guards,” Capt. Robert Mont- gomery. 5. French Fusiliers, Captain Henri Barre. 6. American Troops, Captain Andrew Jackson. AFTERNOON 3 :00 p. m. Band Concert in Plaza by Municipal Band.