For another thing, the Old Spanish has been routed through to California, as you know, cine© 1913, an.; is narked through to California, and 1 would not suppose any one would sow raise tho question of the recognition of the Old ope.nlch Trail in that section. ./e have over two thousand miles of .Marked trunklines and tourist routes and in another year will have four thousand mi lor.. It is developing an importance without a parallel, I believe, among the national highways. e have always recognized the ankhcad highway thru there, onator Bankhead is the Father of national highwaysi But a policy of encouraging many highways as representing'but one route can soon so detract from the individuality and distinction of any of then as to render service and administration almost worthless. -e have along the Old Spanish frail eastward but one name, one administration, one marking — in this way the people are building up a serviceable administration and toorlr.,1 are beginning to recognise that suah/b. high, ay is building from the Atlantic to the haoifio. kith tr.ese thoughts in mind, it occurs to me that if you and otho^Sziaono. friends could be present at this Texas-Encampment : t wcN^d help all of us to get a clear insight into \/hnt^^\going von-and the policies we should all agree upon, lokmjy the west Texas people would love to have you present. v-/y Yon ’.111 romembor^S^cnt^oa. la t week a. rough copy of a declaration then in ftpocows of formation. I am now enclosing a copy in the\^rmMy aggoed upon. All the enators and'Congressmen rsZzZxo niging. this declaration, Mince ay talk with Ycns«W5r -fnhurst 1 have talked with several of the cctern Oongroc-ffcn aft I find they-' are all somewhat confused by reason of the\Skjifeythat tho promoters o. the Lee highway hove been seekiJig recognition for most of this route west of FI iaao. This leads to the thought ihat this route is without any individuality but is. tho plaything of any promoter who might come along. •The individuality of the high, ay can be maintained if restricted to the Old Spanish Trail and Bankhead. Avery one recognizes the fact that the automobile traveler will seek the :: bn thorn playground s at the nearest point, then flow eastward or westward on the GST. Florida and California, with all their fine attractions ill then be in competition With the midland sections and Old Mexico, sections just as inviting and newer and more accessible. Th< people of those midland sections arc very industriously building to gather and hold this traffic. The Flpoida Menators and Congressmen arc .joining in this declaration for they rocognise that travel will drive straight southward when the numerous North and oath highways are completed. In my judgment it is to the advantage of Arizona to help build up the prestige of tho Old .’janish Trail as a highway reaching from sea to sea. 1 know this is your id a hence the frankness of this letter. I shall be sorry i i have to leave ashington without the support of tho ..cotern ' c» voecntufcivco, but if this must be, my answer i. thin invitation I am ring you, an invitation I