nr ' nifl for (ho most part. South Atlantic Slates: Mostly fair weather except for showers Friday or Saturday; temperatures Southern Plains and Western Gulf States—Generally fair weather will prevail, except there will probably be showers in northern portion about middle of week; seasonal temperatures will prevail, except that it will be cooler at close of week. Southern Rocky Mountain and Plateau reprions: Generally fair and nearly normal temperatures. ji i:.\ it i sc at\\m.\hiij.o. AMARILLO, 'Pox.. Oet. 3 (/?/.— Chairman C. V. Terrell of the Texas railroad commission, and R. D. Parker, supervisor of the commission's oil and gas division, were here today to conduct a hearing on prns operations in the Panhandle field under Texas' new pipeline law. -t shot and kjlled and li. -u. by t wo gunmen' fearly* todat' in » house near Barnesville. The t\ house and without warning beg at the five or six persons in the r< The dead were: FRANK SEDRI.IA, II. CATHERINE MATES. M. Both lived at the inn. Frank Morrow, IS. was shot twice and seriously wounded. After emptying their revolvers, tho two men fled from the house and ran to an automobile which they- had parked a short distance State police said they were of the opinion that the shooting was the result of "roadhouse warfare." Intense rivalry, they said, has developed among operators of roadhouses in the section. Slain Girl’s Brother Shoots Ne^ro in Jail Although Gun Taken From Him on Entrance By Associated Press BIRMINGHAM, Ala., Oct. 3.—-A moment after Miss Nell Williams, society girl, re-affirmed identification of a negro hold as the slayer of her sister and another girl in a mountain holdup, he was shot down in the jail by her brother, Dent Williams. The shooting came as a dramatis climax to an inquiry Assistant Solicitor ,T. M. Long was conducting at the Jefferson County prison last night in the presence of members of the Williams family. Today tho negro. Willie Peterson, 34, was in a critical condition at a hospital here while city and county officers stood guard with riot guns to prevent possible disorder. More than loO members of the Birmingham units of tho Alabama national guard were mobilized against an emergency. Peterson was arrested Sept. C3 when Miss Williams pointed him out on the street as the negro who held up her automobile Aug. 4. shot her and fatally wounded her sioter, Augusta, and a friend, AIIss Jennie Wood, after keeping them captive several hours 011 a lonely mountain road. .Mbs Wl.' had reiterated her Identification of potwm n» the Jail and officers began question1 him further, when her US-year-old brother whipped out a pistol and fired five times. Two of the shots took effeet in the negro's chest and one In his left arm. Williams was arrested on a charge of assault with intent to murder and later released under $1,000 bond. Poisons present in the jail at the time of the .shooting besides Miss Williams and her brother, were her mother a n d father. Chief of Police Fred II, McDuff. Sheriff J. F. Hawkins, Long and other officers. Before the conference officers searched all persons entering tho jail and Sheriff Hawkins said a gun was taken off of Dent Williams at that time. •* Roderick Bedtlow, attorney for \Vmianis. said the young man had hidden the second gun in his waistband and that the weapon was overlooked by the officers. i Rent Williams declined to make j a statement but his attorney Midi he was so convinced the negro was J the slayer that ho was unablo to j restrain himself.