Form 1206 T Receiver's No. Cneck Time Filed Send the following message, subject to the terms on back hereof, which are hereby agreed to Orange, Texas. August 2jf, 1922. COP Y Chairman, The Associated Highv/ays of America, In Convention, Minneapolis, Minn. As the Vice President of the Old Spanish Trail Association and as Mey or of one of the Cities on this all southern, all season route, and in the a name of the States through which this highway passes, I protest against the elimination of the Old Spanish Trail from the rnap submitted for approval by the Yellow Stone Trail Association at your convention tomorrow and the next day. Stop. The Old Spanish Trail has recently been designated by the War Department as a highway of great military necessity and indorsed as such by it. Stop. It is the one route from the Atlantic to the Pacific that is open at all seasons of the Year. Stop. This Coutnyaalone, has spent and is spending two million dollars on this trail since Nineteen nineteen and other counties are spending in proportion. Stop. Please give this protest your thoughtful consederation. W.E. LEA, MAYOR.