Attention: Hrs. F.H.S. UoV• 15, 1915. Phillips, Asst.ect. Old '’vxinish ''rail Association, 5?allahugooe, .'■'la. Hoar Mrs. Phillips: Your letter of the 7th received, and I an very sorry 7 have not hod the opportunity to answer same sooner, owing to illness of stenographers and could not write myself because of go much other work. Ay. 'ill'.":: and Hr. Clemens ivave sent no copies or: their letters to you in connection with Chicago Convention, and. I certainly hope that Captain John Craft '..'ill arrange t • attend. X most heartily concur in Hr« Pi Hans’ approval of your -.Tiro of October AGv.h to the president of the highways Industries Association. I am glad to note that you orrpeet to got oat a log from Chicago to viallahasaec and. Vtestward to iiohile soon, lot me have copy of same when you got it out. letter heads, I sent a supply of to you as requested. '.7hon you need more, lot mo icnow. I did not send you any envelopes, as you did not ash for same* Harry loeke writer: from losAng*Los, I!ov.9th that last summer he went over to Hew Orleans where he saw Hr. Luc ion Lyons. I cifidnodftseo why ho did not let us know he was going to be that near. Yours truly