I ar. sorry to have to write this way. I have refrained fron writing, preferring to await r.y return. But these accumulating financial conditions rake some action necessary. Wken it reaches a point teat I rust send personal money to pay the salary of a stenographer made "Secretary to the President" in efforts to take over the office it is tine the functioning of theorganizatlon waa restored to its constitutional status. If you will allow Mr. Co ip, whor. I left in charge of the office, and who has a very clear understanding of the work, to re-assune the rcanagessent there until I can get hack, it will undoubtedly help us to get the finances hack on the upgrade. If not there f f hrniat. he a limit on the responsibility I can assume for these deficiencies., and it would he a grave injustice to this newly organized work here to divert wore money there under present conditions. Further in view of the things that have happened, 1 will have to require that ny salary he given the preference due in law and equity. I I air. leaving on an important trip into West Florida. JText week I expect to spend in Mississippi. I have today cent & personal check to the Alamo Printing Oc. to relieve that situation because I cannot hazard things thru here by leaving then without these attentions they need. Jacksonville is asking an Fast Florida Conference now, for there are many and serious problems eastward. Following Mississippi I can probably get to San. Antonio. Then, if this work is to continue without interruptions and distress, it will bo necessary for you to recognize that the Managing Director is in charge of the work until the Board of Directors or tiae memberchip rule otherwise, and this principle must be established so that there shall not again be either direct or indirect disturbance in the relation of employees to the organization or of policies in force. Very truly, 3