Dayton, Texas, October 6th, 1926, Mr. Ayres;- In Dayton Mr. Jamison said he had gone with you around the town and had called on every business man in the town that was worth while calling on and that it would be useless to try for any more memberships just now. I tried all the garages for listings with no sucess. Harrington was in Houston today, sol didn't see him. Left a travelog with his wife and asked her to call his attention to renewal of his listing and to ask him to send it in. In Crosby I made two collections, Crosby Cash Store, $lD.3Q 0 S T Garage lO.Oo 32D.O') Their Checks enclosed to cover. These folks are so blue over being out of the running for six months or more that they can't be blamed for not doing any more. yours very; truly, i /7) J' ..