th mselves c’onsidered first of course. I wish v;e could afford it and I could -pare the time for Colon el Crecelius and myself to come down there and work out those locoti~ns while you arc handling the loir things wit] the associations, etc, hut sc far as the y r book is concern d here it certainly is needed the worst kind and it would be a. big help, but at the same time I have my serious doubts about its being- rvdvise-able for you to neglect that work there since you are getting it ir. such splendid shape and especially since -cu have given practically all your time to Texas the past year or so. If Dr. Johnston and I can get leaumont across and Liberty County carries her issue tomorrow and I get down and organize Orange and Ft. fend and get them over, we will then be able to get seise more monej and we ought to have things in pretty good shape within 10 or 40 days. I ■..'ill! advise you further with reference to the outcome of our project to the Valley as well as other matters at the earliest pcs: ibl3 moment. Yours of the ISthj you speak of having gotten a favorable lineup- with the federal engineer and some of the other "powers that be” but you always could do that, that is bout the easiest thing you do. will see Capt. Fauntleroy at the Highway Commission meeting Monday and talk over the situation with him in that country in a general way. L’tth best personal’/ regards, I beg to remain. Yours very truly ’’’EC: AH " ' P.E, This routs from Three P.ivsrs, Simeons, and San TUago to Alias would be about eleven miles shorter than by Mathis.