San Antonio, Texas June 8th, 1925. Mr. J. c. Baumgarten, OST Director, Schulenburg, Texas, Dear Mr. Baumgarten: You letter with enclosure from Congressman Mansfield received. I am sending you copies of the correspondence following the filing of the Schulenburg petition. You will notice the Highway Department is avoiding the real issue. They have &Sne that continually. I am going ahead with the Texas Sfavolog. It is on the press hut I feel embarrassed about my ability to meet the costs with everything up in the air this way. I suggest you send the Congressman's letter to the Highway Commission so that letters will come from other sources than headquarters. I am also having copies of the Congressman's letter, made so that you can send a copy to each of the Highway Commissioners and to the Governor. Glad you are getting after the leading citizens at the other towns. Congratulate you also on the progression in the East Texas division. It looks now as tho we are beginning .to get continuous paving from Orange on thru to Eagle Lake. Houston papors are opening discussion respecting Harris county, calling attention to the fact "the wealthiest city in Texas will soon be responsible for a splotch of dirt between paved sections east and west of Harris county." Sincerely, Harral B. Ayres, OST Managing Director. HBA/b enc. C.Lt. cc Corsp.