■'over-bur Iff 3 Hr. Joha .*. C-rif.. if:, San Antonio. fly dear John: Once main I cemplimant you... .the additional touches you that Sacristy 'indos tc ave been just what it needed, h; a . ork like that it takes some exhibition to get the r Ighf estia of it.: value/. any com line;:ts have been expressed respecting you j or th^. ..oi. it is. additional trroute to you to you t’ t yo o. J so . . , ’■ te .or ... w w >. rrcu with arvey tt< ... ank Sweet [an old-time photographer }, Southwest hobo oup-jly house, others... .not one, as vet, can suggest u solution to the ootitcrci.il reproduction. i nc id on tally, .. would hate to say iiov much I spent in time rad money trying to solve this re rc uction ostion. You hare clone yo.ur .tuu so well. I ne.o.i thought thl.. re-product ion luestior #o 1 . .... me. A number of .. . le.........>ies suitu able for framing. ■ Christms is coming; such copied should have Christmas present values.. It’s a tough, break. humnerville, several times, ha- said, he v..rs ready to do his part on the facade, but I have net felt like suggesting this to you whiie t if. wh av; is an unsolved job. in .-airnes3 to everybody, photographer’s, engravers, printers, everyone Z have contacted with, are in such a statu financially they cannot come thru normally. The;- ere badgered by lack cf funds; thcyx o vdth.out competent help;- they are without stock and have to go o t and pay in advance to get such material. J\tc. 1. at of my costs have been cash paid in advance to buy stock that ran to more than merely my need for test work, borne that might have solved the problem had to make high estimates, and demand n large payment in advance, or they could not go through. In a word, this old world is close to a commercial breakdown; you don’t realize unless you get these intimate contacts. Hastily,