Air;ust 10* 1933 penr Brother . iohael; . \n triod (io--x>rv3 tiros to roach you by ubv-.a yor appoint../.*'.,,, . yen have boon out. Perhaps aft .-r all eon open t-< eubioot botb'.:- by v.' i-'v-rocVvA:'on If A - ■ • •:•/ <■:■.. .aVvv aba abd brother laoi: fans* ::e rcito wells other .xrriyn, ’ Droughb, f.P.Drt ight end o*ht: of your torch. Brother Julius ] s sll fitly. ao* in in ur :.nt to dio-mce too possibility a. 7 ■is?:.v r. - . «:• tv;-) rt ?;:«.•*o Jcwntawr for R pc ish history society Ho ore. i't. rd:r, . u..7... that :'o.".a.>.< -Tor?: :'-.i association with thus ■ . -adssinr. ,\i\ .'Jun utonio c ?.d «* outh rexaa of %?hioh Inn v. .• hoc’cri,. biovo o proctigD for cry's niverslt ■■ beii Lden Ifi i with this, mclA •*•<'•••;'• r. for yearn hsr/o pursued locn.'i research -.Titiiout cooperation and struggling with .cvny •ii'Uiu5.o*:jft. loko people should He drum together, their )coH.C3 t.Interest elvooted .uk,o ojeaialisoti ccioiinolu* .-. <1 files, dnin f; d ape. collected at n. hei.orn to inoruuce their efiioioncy. .X !mvo associates in - itoiy ork; we hare uork;d togo-thor loon.*!;.- 1/ ■ ■ ■ ado hoadway.^ X have good office furniture to ■ ot up ouch a toadqua?. c.r3« .. rib.-at nr: poor . the amt follow t ase doyo.but bolieva vie can sin!: recto i . ciicoly interesting coil and build Mt bit v. 3. get Bonor/iierc. .tore ..oulC be no duplication of -t. fuiY'i'd’o l.ut healthful coordination* iheir public; are nov. •■Hi locu.* : "■ h nc He ci.r !i:' -Ho; v,o ..-.n i;-oo.:"ib'o:. • /' local jrublicc.tioa irj Jiovf nunr-ro xly t .tvt vdlJ sti ul to : ore local recouroii. /Atoiiio is not ncroly n.,-4 ioolotod Mstorio Gottlo.-onfcj it \;uo an iiito^ral part of cepis-.-lniildinj plena t-.- ore rol'ioeteu In i-.cujy pnrta <;f ecth io:ai3 toda essentially uaknoim. Ci:o San Antonio ninsious uore built to £ieatneso betKva* grec*. ,»lona \rora in progress in this oprniah ::outh Xtcoir.. Pesoorch ie:; cot in;.; these idseiono wuct bo handled 1-ooa.Vly, and carefuiX,. directed. St. ::dncu?d,B ucrH is wonderfully helpful. on aro still liwinr. vrbo ea.t give helpful ,! - o ' -tion '.«fc are dyl:.... foe * ronout gonoration toons little. ; xiornffc, by orgaadsation, oollootod data n!»\ then ;;qvo to OPli.Cbmia the history foundation upon which olt», io hiD'O-H' n<® boon built. i Itncnv there aro untoxiohod :..inoe la foutli iO f,!;. laiov/ I'ipUt now }iow wo cu.j fintmoo our »jny ,ijru but do boliovo wo JiaTO brains which to r,tarfc, than intoiligontly plan, or a long ti;:o Iiavo tliougjit nn i.ndo;3o done hoadquartera best; n \/ holiowo probably ore substantial v»rK is possible ■; coordination thin way. ill phono again, an drivo out day or evening. ! inoorely3 Harra.l •""■os