September 4 the field wsr> Because they no contracts,. agreements or dependable records statements with regard- to these non are always subjest to correction D I! SHRIVE Colo says.. the contract or agreement was to provide Shrove the OST car and give, him 75r of the collections; that Shreve was to mark the highway, -where unmarked add pay half the cost of printing. Shreve says he was not to nay any of the printing. Inasmuch as the OST is un against .’’50C or 1600 to get printed'matter out to the people as promised this is a serious.question. Shreve recently borrowed money therefore is believed to'.have ho responsibility. He appears to be about 4125 02 over-paid on his commissions. There-is a bill at the- Johnson Printing Co, stated over' the .phone to be- l58f on By is -claimed this can be settled for some reasonable amount. Dr. Johnston, Colo and Shrove, it .appears, all tried to help get out this. advertising book-. There was-never any check-up against Shreve . from the numbered receipt books provided for such purposes. -A special audit, is'desirable. P. 3 TIIDI.I?S0H C-iven 25!-'’ for collecting rirdo.erships arid furnished his own car. •His record appears •'clean,, but he was to handled that, he made but §651.67 in four, months and gave several thousand.miles service of his. car. Thompson was turned down cold by the HI Paso Chamber of Commerce,. His reports indicate El Paso was ready to liberally support the OST. The office reports indicate-El. Paso turned Thompson .down, because. of blundering here. J Y7 FRAHCI3 July <4 I received at:Washington, a- telegram from Colp, "Can close for sign xrkbiting posting and section map easjwahd on guarantee no to OST. Work to start immediately." I wired 'back, asking what provision's were in mind for income to the OST. July 18 a letter, in response 'said better contract could be made arid Francis would pay OST 'JI.800 0.0. per year. July P.4 telegram from Colp to mobile said, "Francis on way East, wait for him." I reached Sail Antonio July 31st and found Francis was at Beaumont at? manager of publicity. \7e have not yet'.1 earns. .. the terms of his contract, arid do not expect to now, but apparently valuable privileges were attempted to be turned over to. him, including the magazine rights. It appears Dr, Bohnston sent him out, A newspaper item ss?d£afflES.handed.- out by Dr. Johnston says Francis would go all the way to St August!he and that Dr. Johnston would-accompany him, being, gone some month's. Francis got as far as Lake Charles, ’.las recalled by me. . ,, At Beaumont Francis endeavored to get.3250 00 in cash and 350 00 per month from the Chamber of Commerce. He left an unpaid bill at Burge's Garage for )8 50 At Orange 'a contract was drawn by the Chamber of Commerce to pay 025C 00, 10,000 magazines' to be issed monthly. In the office at San Antonio I found,invoices for engravings,.among them.a'magazine cover plates totalling 4 34' 5?. charged to the OST E REDBRICK Sent to Del Rio country to get advertising for section map. Secured '„:63-f 00 in two weeks. Received 33 1/3£» commission and 7c,ner mile for his car. This work also blundered. All tha&e men now recalled and not working. *