Spanish-American History Research nibrary, 11? College Street—St. .Mary's Academy Rhone G 3306 October 13, 1933 Deal’ Mr. Grant: The enclosed shows whaT research is in progress here. I have used my organizing capacity to encourage and direct a number of persons to specialize on some one of these subjects;, and have established and furnished nicely a headquarters or workshop. he have here a complete collection of sectional detail maps, a big wall map, files, card indexes, photo collections, and many special studies. Every scrap of historical material can now be checked and fitted into its place, or rejected as wrong. There is revolutionary information here, and revolution ary methods for handling it. It is a pity this is not a regional clearing-house instead of a personal matter, for individuals die and take too much to the grave with them. There are many men with valuable history information here in Gan Antonio, in Laredo, in Goliad, along the coast 1.1 Spanish trail, o,long the Spanish Rio Grande, and elsewhere, whose data she Id be assorted, checked, and coordinated. be won't know our history, we won't have a literature, we will be victims of legend and tradition until something like this is worked out. Moreover, wo should restrain general "history" publication. Even here, this should be kept to research and proof until subject-matter is well proven, and then only published unissaa under.a competent group of editors. Rut excuse me, I did rot intend to v/iite a letter. bill be glad to have you come in. I. will be more glad when constructive minds in San antonio and in Spanish South Texas get together to uncover this old.Spanish history. Hastily, Karral Ayres