September .25, 1022 Hr. A. II, Gardner. Tombstone, Ariz. Dear Hr. Ga rOnor, Itirin': I wrote you- shortly after I returned to 2ar Antonio that I had inaugurated’ a general investigation hero. A -group of tire best citizens of San Antonio, old and loyal 032 members*, are* proceeding with this in ar. orderly way." You and I are of one mind, the 032 must be administered according to true business principles. v/e have got to do' some fighting to keen it from the perso- al exploiters.* I clo not want to complicate the work of this commit too by attempting any reports hero. Changes will be necessary, but wo will get this from a personal to a proper corporate business basis.. Meanwhile' it is best to just hold the boat steady,'and not approve the payment of any moneys or the cashing of ehechs in the name of the CS2. Y.'e will try to have a directors'1 meeting soon, but whop hold the directors will,have the cooperation of 3an Antonio citizens in the matters that will eono up. Sincerely Managing Director.