BILLS THAT SHOULD IS' PAIL Western Union Telegraph Go.,-------------------------'3 5.G8 Southwestern Bell Telephone Go.,------------------------ 9.00 Fla. Clipoing Service (October & Ilovember) ,----------- 5.00 A. P. Beyer,-------------------------------------------- 3.00 Texas Press Olinning Service,-------------------------------- 45.00 (5/1927 to ll/l/® (11/24/28 o57.6"8 Duo to a bunged-uo relative, the writer has run into quite a nest of sudden, unexpected expense this month, including hospital, medical and other bills. Tt will be a great heln if subscribers who are at all in arrears will remit all or nart during the corning week. According to our books the amount of your account on November 1, 1928 was 1545.00 TEXAS PITS 3 CLIP PHI BUR 15a U) * * * if. if. OTHBR OUTSTAIQIHO ACCOUNTS. Paul ^nderson Go.,------------------------------------------- -3 .30 Roach m Barnes,--------------------------------------------------- .40 Hills Png. Co. (Since March, Anril and June)-------------------- 48.11 Stowers Turn. Go. (Since July and July) ,----------------------- 21.50 (They call up ever so often and huve requested me today to write you regarding this account. .Vould like to have check to cover.) Merchants Transfer Co.,----------------------------------------- 70.00 (Galled up and want check) Standard printing Go.,----------------------------------------- 462.60 Ragle Publishing Go.,------------------------------------------ 25.00 ('.Vould like chock before 1st of yr.) Model :!lectrotype Go.,------------------------------------------ 1.08 Alamo Blue Print & Supply Go.,---------------------------------- 38.56 OST San antonio, Texas. December 6th, 1928.