#7 order that they may make such a.ppropriat ions to match Federal Aid as may he required, and Whereas, a five year policy, $500,000,000 or $100,000,000 per annum is essential, therefore. Be it Resolved, that we most earnestly petition Congress to favorably consider the said hill and make such appropriation as is consistent with good business in order that highway work he well advanced and may continue without disbandonmont of engineering and contracting forces now engaged* Be it Further Resolved, that copies of this resolution he mailed to the Roads Committee and the Appropriations Committee of both the Senate and House of Representatives, as well as to each member of Congress from all states along the OLD SPANISH TRAIL.” Resolution introduced by Senator John Craft, Mobile, Alabama. "Whereas, by the death of Senator John Hollis 3ankhead v/e lost the Friend of Man who lived beside the road, and Whereas, by his untiring energy and labor for the establishment of National Highways and his cooperation and companionship with the members of the Old Spanish Trail Association, he endeared himself to us all, therefore. Be it Resolved, that v/e, the Old Spanish Trail Association in convention assembled extend our heartfelt sympathies to hie wife and family in the loco of the illustrious husband end father. Be it Further Resolved, that the Old Spanish Trail members from all parts of the Nation will commemorate his labors for his Country's good and keep hie memory freak by endeavoring to build a better highway along the Old Spanish T?ail for the man who lives beside the road so all may enjoy the blessings of the endeavors of Senator John.Hollis Bankhead." "The good nights at dusk. The swords are rust And their souls with the saints we trust." Resolution introduced by M. G. Hoffman, Pensacola, Florida, "Resolved, by the Old Spanish Trail Aaoociation, in convention assembled, that the official route of the Trail bo not bifurcated Tfrom Mobile, Alabama, to Crest view, Florida, but that the northern branch of it bo abolished and that there ho hereafter only one -7-