THIRD AND LAST CALL FOR THE OLD SPANISH TRAIL. We are for the third and last time calling your attention to this big mass meeting, to be held at the COURT HOUSE 8 O’clock P. M., Friday, April 16. Have you passed the word around, and arranged for you and all your friends to come to hear the message Mr. Harrell B. Ayres, Managing Director of the Old Spanish Trail has prepared for you especially, and is coming many miles to meet you, greet you, and tell you all about the greatest road in the world. It goes from sea to sea, and no man can come into Florida without crossing it. It will be, when completed, the feeder road along the top margin of Florida for the whole of the state. Many other men are working hard to have this road completed as soon as possible. What are you doing? No trick, no money wanted, only your presence and your ear. Will you not go a few steps to meet a man who comes many miles to tell you something for your own good? Remember, we are trying to get Suwannee county’s section of the Old Spanish Trail completed this year. Public interest will create public sentiment, and public sentiment can do anything. For Mr. Ayres’ sake, for the sake of the Chamber of Commerce, for the sake of the good name of your community, for your own sake, please come and bring as many as you can. Come! C. W. WILLIAMS, Secretary Suwannee County Chamber of Commerce.