nominations ami permanent organization, to be composed of four members from each stare. 'Senator Watson of Florida protested against the motion, claiming that the next step should be election of officers for temporary organization. ■Mr. L. C. Irvine replied to Senator Watson. After some further discussion, '('apt. Craft withdrew mo-1 ion. Mr. ■). M. Calhoun th^u moved that Convention proceed to effect temporary organization. "Mr. llerrider nominates Air. Appleyard, Air. Irvine nominates 'Mr. Piilans and Air. llerrider withdraws his nomination. The nomination then being pul to vote, Air. Pillans was elected Temporary Chairman without opposition. Air. Craft nominates Air. LeBlanc Temporary Secretary. On question being put Mr. LeBlanc was elected by acclamation. Air. Craft again submits motion to authorize the Chair to name a committee on nominations and permanent organization. to be composed of four members from each State. After some discussion Air. llerrider moves as a substitute that the Chair appoint a committee on permanent organization, which is amended by ‘Air. Gaston so that motion reads. "That the Chair shall take into consideration representation present as basis of representation on committee.” On motion being put it is carried. Air. Irvine moves that a committee of five be appointed on credentials, committee’s report to be first order of business at next morning’s session. Alotion carried. 'AAIr. Lyons, of New Orleans. La., submits credentials of Louisiana delegation. r^AIr. Blanton, of Jacksonville, Fla., submits his credentials. 'Air. Craft moves that credentials committee consist of one man from each stale, which motion, on being put, is carried. __ Air. Calhoun nominates'Mr. W. AI. Corry. of Quincy, as Florida’s member. Chair appoints as committee 'Air. Corry ol Florida. /Alr. Locke of Arizona,'Air Geo. W. Gravson of .Mississippi,'Air. L. C. Irvine of Alabama and-Mr. Liteien H. Lvmis, Jr., of Louisiana. 'Air. Appleyard moves convention adjourn until 9 a. in. the following day, seconded, put and carried. The meeting then adjourned pursuant to the motion. 2 DECEMBER 11th 9:11 a.m.—.Meeting called to order by Temporary Chairman Pillans. Report by Chairman Locke of committee on credentials, showing the following present from each state: Alabama ................................ 274 Arizona .................................. 1 Florida ............A....,.............. 138 Louisiana............................... 5 .Mississippi............................. 1 Capt. Craft moves that convention receive, adopt and spread on minutes credentials committee’s report. Carried. Capt. Craft moves that convention now proceed to organize itself into a permanent body. Alotion carried. '.Mr. K. Q Norton moves that convention govern itself under usual parliamentary rules and practices, and that in ease of dispute Robert’s Rules of Order govern proceedings. Carried. •Air. Appleyard nominates ’Air. Pillans for President of organization. Carried. 'Mr. llerrider moves that Secretary record on minutes fact that President’s election was unanimous. Carried. 'Senator AVatson nominates Air. LeBlanc as Secretary permanent organization. Carried. Mr. Clarkson moves that Secretary record fact that Secretary’s election was by acclamation. Carried. Air. Appleyard introduces resolution: 1. RESOLVED, That the Hoard of Directors or the Old Spanish Trail Association he composed ol' one Vice President and three (3) Directors from each of the Stales through which the proposed highway runs. The Directors to he elected by the State delegation here present. 2. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the route through each State be selected by the Vice President and Directors from that State. 3. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the West Florida Highway Association offers to the Old Spanish Trail Association, now in session in the Qity of Mobile. Alabama, the road known as the Old Spanish Trail in Florida, defined in the Constitution and By-Laws of the West Florida Highway Association as "a road beginning at Tallahassee on the east and extending through the counties of Leon. Gadsden. Jackson, Washington. Holmes. Okaloosa, Santa Rosa and Escambia, via Pensacola to the Florida Stale Line on the west:" and the West Florida Highway Association further offers to the Old Spanish Trail Association aid and co-operation in the promotion and construction of a trans-continental highway. 3