Sis •i-iOi'tAjM .-U • 1 ••> uisilu Conversation today w:1th , h idoko-, county' surveyor, Bexar county, lir, Aoeke hac been surveying in this locality for i or by-three years, >-»: •Has o. pcrsonfl farili urity rJ.t}i fie old tra; Is, old history, old 1. at!;;arks, otc. In lc83 it is. no rood fiat hen do:-;!- .out nor a rd fro;.- feuico, hey- \ ■ in a 1 of; around :i ;nd proceeded- dour; the Hio 'hands to the ’Junction of .the. Concho river; thence to She . .V^-lto Crook, then northuf-ro over the old Sftlj lake tr?. ils broke t’/.rc err. She Davis nor* fit-. ins and ' n ::r th of tie !-wia aonntsi ns, creating the old c: aecoa c3i trails from f -a Anson; o ’.sentv-, -rd to r;l -c and throiuh. to California » - , At; :>!"•>< - . - :n ? till to he no r- ruins ox a old ;fot>uieh fort* the - •• • . ' , 'trad i ti vis are the > .1. • . • if. ..-ino. of: . .re. . /■ a luc-o tin a of v,*h5 oh has • hoc; -r jv’Soe t and. fhai:- the fort -vas in protection of it at inefaetry.» S-A-f f: : • f -- -m *". ff-* ^’=" fho-.::■-■.;■■ ••■ bn tr.-i 1 from Can ntonio, according to r. .tc-.y .a;- the raa*hioT. he has, left the front of ,Iaa Fernando C a tlirdral at ,-iaa 'ntors io. 711 o 1 i roads star t from the Plani-. in front of this Oafchodral • the ' ’■■■•■ i-...... :" , 3an .labs trrj.l proceeded to Cun Fodro Borings; thence, east of ’out more or loss' •-a rolls! •• ith the pro sent road to Leon Crook, crossing it a >: tho ,recent crossing; thence almost on the present road to She soring »t• Jieon •j or in ra • Iron n.e it follows the old .1 ofb~hnn<] or stage rod to Bot.-rne ; thence by the prosont ro. il to the o