the OLD SPANISH TRAIL ASSOCIATION, Inc. A Membership Organization The membership is a. voluntary band of men and women interested in building n great highway from Florida to Mexico and California and developing its travel comforts and in the preservation of the old landmarks and the old historv of those ancient and romantic periods in the South-ern Borderlands where men and empires struggled for mastery long before the American Revolution. All funds are controlled by an Executive Board of business men. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS S. H. Peek, President. Mobile, Alabama I-Inrral Ayres, Managing Director, San Antonio, Texas Executive Hoard, National Headquarters, San Antonio Kenneth Wimer, Chairman. Leon N. Walthall, Treasurer. Harrai Ayres, Managing Director. Percy Tyrrell, Secretary] Werner N. Beckmann, Attorney. Attorneys, Birkhead, Lang & Beckmann, San Antonio Field Engineer—Harry Locke, Los Angeles, Calif. El Paso'—Last Frontier of the Old IDest Plan i] our trip to allou? seueral da^s in El Paso Vice-rrcsidcnts Julius Dupont, Houma, La. B. E. Quinn, Beaumont, Tex. Coke R. Stevenson, Junction, Tex. A. H. Gardner, Tomhs'tone, Ariz. Col. Ed Fletcher, Sail Diego, Cal. Directors Fred W. Marsh, Pensacola, Fla. S. H. Peck, Mobile, Ala. ifrs. Rucks Yerger, Gulfport, Miss. Olin Linn, New Orleans, La. Julius Dupont, Houma, La. B. E. Quinn, Beaumont, Texas. J. C. Baumgarten, Schulenburg, Tex. Harrai Ayres, San Antonio, Texas. Kenneth Wimer. San Antonio, Texas. Leon N. Walthall, Sail Antonio, Texas Werner N. Beckmann. San Antonio, Tex. Percy Tyrrell, San Antonio, Texas. Coke R. Stevenson, Junction, Tex. A. II. Gardner, Tombstone, Arizona. Ed Fletcher, Jr.. San Diego. Cal. Col. Ed. Fletcher. San Diego. Cal. Harry Locke, Los Angeles, Cal. DEPARTMENT OF BEAUTIFICATION National Board of Managers, Sna Antonio Mrs- f- W- Sorcll, National Director 130 E. Huisncke St., San Antonio, Texas. L- Adams, Assistant National Director ; J Secretary Mrs. .T. L. Browne, Treasurei -Us. .1. 1. Smith, Mrs. H. A. Moos. Mrs. Hcnrv Drought State Directors A;'.mstl'01'S. Box 10G2, St. Augustine, Florida Air? anniD% Kobertsdale, Alabama. Airs Gulfport, Mississippi. Mra T'w r 2001 McGregor St, Houston, T Airs' Hl^vmer’T1403 Montana St.. El Paso, Texas. Jus. Ileibert Yeo, Las Cruces, N. M. Headquarters Bcaattflcatlon Secllon SAN ANTONIO TO BOERNE Afrs. A. C. Seiser, Chairman, San Antonio. See this wonder city of the desert—these fertile valleys—and Juarez, largest, cleanest, most colorful and most delightful city on our southern border. Five minutes from downtown El Paso and you are In quaint, romantic, historic Old Mexico! El Paso is the largest city between San Antonio and San Diego—a big, metropolitan city with every conceivable comfort and attraction. It is wortli several days of your time, wiili the added fascination of its sister city, Juarez. If you want to stay longer, there aro delightful side excursions — to the famous White Sands, to Clondcroft, to the pines and mountains of the Ruidoso. to Elephant Butte dam and lake, to Hucco tanks, to ancient missions and Old Mexico. The Gateway Club invites you and will welcome you. Write for interesting booklet on El Paso and environs. Address Gateway Club, 110 Chamber of Commerce Building. El Paso, Texas. 50 El Paso is a good placo to break .vour trip for u few (lays. It Is halfway between the Gulf and the Pacific.