TO A siBZJmio:; or old sp&ixk! trail -tjostscrs Sontoabo? ■ ’: L'O:; o A Tro'iitij tfeyor. LAho Oh;-rlao, Ln Horbort -Jaylivv G-oa. ' d?, A3-.voi.ntim c£ Gaa :vre':u L: ';e Oharios A'.- h. Baitfo, Alii >? A:i'3ri.oa->“'-Vocy* Ln-io Civuzlor ■JSdQiW Millor, la liar Bros,., L'->g cSiurlos ? X want ta got Louisifnc. inti thin Old 3.■ Mali Trail ,worlcf ad I; you • •nls© Tool tho ocvi© wr.y, -'o 7/r.ut ■ .0. ;;-:>ocl you, ?or. this lo a Mgr. aad no 11;;o ’ a hourt-norc: ;i: ...; •;;ud:. X novo? him nuito Uildor“3toGCl Vv’lxy Louifianu L ••? hoy 6 out r-f tuo fvld,: but I ii-vyo always hncl faith Jo; th© yooplo ohcrc, 'V;/ ry : h. /> olio Jr; L;.ul ;i: r;o> has jhcnm an undomuh nit of ini - 1 - iv-iy to noise of ua to try'.lib ;;ivo th ;• ri. ovi . iovlornhip,. 2 fhls is intended t ? »o -a- lion: Avo roviow e£ conditions in tho ho;o that out of Li v;o find (jrviiia lovely no 00a sot worl: acoortyliahod ia you? otato. First, lot no sr-.y . 0 Lovo Is • toihi £reu Louis- ians ju»rt .:••• (Lirin? tho *.?hoLo vcriod of aotivo •'dviinii!-tr-atioa the pact thro •■'yo • ?0, "a n;wo amt i;_ o; . r d .Iton-to to infcoront Louiolanioao about '-i? : llrao'dloo .'oil h-'fo iocuof a Louisiana i,ruaba» of tho GST Ifc-suain- >{. of journo .ouiai-rna hr.3 li.ll tho bonsfit of all 1 d .1.1.1 -tr: t..v; l. . •>.• / 0 . a/ thaua 'ado of dollars. • 4 Toca:: Luo put up au Ply l-. , ■?:/ li;;oif;3i..r>i liar just undovurittoa ho:? h. p- 1 : A abaoa h » paid hir d"""-' •-uot.-.x of ...;:> '■: siorida i- .y ,md c-iioy araat no tlioro now. ?eaa»oola ohuibo? -of couuoroo hz:- by maiiinoua voto '..drool, to .-oouro oad pay hor ruota of '? j-rz Uzon tho doat norid'.’. town;; will all folio;;•;■■ AXdb-:aa ushl . ho;;:'. '::i.. J. all oho oivio and Aunoliocc; Clul?o ;rro L.'.ohl;;.; tho V' .*L; rad iv: I", or id a 'ho.y to-o ro-.J.y r:nd i.7altins Poaonoolats lcr&, h St ia tliia nort of thins that hzu bojt- this v»or\. so ins si’ov^ A d'o ahoald . ...-t i:.t - Florida. ;:;o a tut if X oan hnidi I will holy Louiaiona to ua noat, he';1 one taiast it ir; Lodianius k° bo difficult to tho national unity of thia :v?ri;. fho oootions that nro aupportiniS ;-ro 'oosinniiid t? nay tluvt nn uora of U; -ir nonoy bo a font i.i root ion. .act »Uf.,ortiJis. Cc- >d nra refuahus t> ro- •'1017. . 7 X vi that ono trouble in Loulaiana hub ba?n tho hisii- way promoter::! th. -t iiavo "workod” tiioao t.oa;.;, Th.> .forohins ;.nd tho hiaa, f>oonic i-rojoob:?, X i;-;aov.'r h.../ > hurt GOT intoraato. I!o\; a "Lon© Stsr Hl;;^iv’cy