W. B. GILL MANAGER ASSOCIATION (OIF COMMKKCE CIROWI-EYo LOUISIANA "RICE CITY OF AMERICA" TRAFFIC BUREAU W. B. GILL TRAFFIC MANAGER. March SO, 1929. Mr. Harrel Ayres, Managing Director, Old. Spanish Trail Association, San Antonio, Texas. Dear Sir: I acknowledge receipt of your letter, dated Rice Hotel, Houston, Texas, March 13, and reading as follows: ” Telegram received. Kindly send copy, of minutes and list those present and how they voted." If I were inclined to lack courtesy as you do, I would say in reply, " Hone of your business Ir. However, I am inclined to treat you with more courtesy. Your letter purports to be a reply to a wire from me, acting on the authority vested in me at a meeting of the executive committee of the Louisiana Division, Old Spanish Trail, such wire requesting you to effect a settlement with J. F. Wilson, for services preformed in Louisiana by Mr, Wilson, for the Old Spanish Trail Association. It is necessary that I present to you, the facts pertaining to this matter. Acting in you capacity as the Managing Director of the Old Spanish Trail Association, you sent Mr. Wilson to Louisiana to conduct a campaign for finances in this state. Mr. Wilson worked diligently and succeeded in raising 11050.00, such funds being forwarded to you at San Antonio* At a meeting of the Louisiana Division, Old Spanish Trail Association, held at Hew Iberia, in January 1929, you reported you had paid to Mr. Wilosn from the funds sent to you from Louisiana, an amount of §675.00, being compensation to Mr. Wilson on a basis of nine weeks work at §75.00, per week, which would indicate a balance of §375.00, to the credit of Louisiana at San Antonio headquarters. The LouisianaDivision meeting at Hew Iberia, in executive session, decided the expense was out of proportion and requested discontinuance of Mr. Wilson’s work until a later date, which you agreed to, you to assign Mr. Wilson to some other state until we were ready to complete, our work in Louisiana. You failed to do this and Wilson, remained idle at Crowley, his temporary headquarters, without instructions of any kind from you. Finally, Dupont, Mouton and the writer, arranged for two weeks work in Louisiana for Wilson and Daid him, from funds on MEMBER # LOUISIANA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE ^ CHAMBER OF COMMERCE OF THE UNITED STATES